I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week!
LINDA – Trains? What are they? OK we do have metro trains. The Indian-Pacific (Sydney to Perth) detours to Adelaide, and the Ghan (Adelaide to Darwin) are both once-a-week. The Overland (Adelaide to Melbourne) was 3 times a week but is likely to be shut down as our state won’t subsidise it. All 3 interstate trains are not running during virus. The country districts have lost theirs long ago; even the grain trains on Eyre Peninsula have been replaced by road transport – to the detriment of the roads. So you can see parcels go by plane or road.
Aussie Post must have heard my sweary words as the tracker email tells me the lone ball of wool will be delivered today. I watched 2 programs last night – Tony Robinson in Durham Cathedral and “My Grandparents War” – and OH’s vest is underway.
I received an email greeting from a dear friend this morn. It has made me think how much I now rely on emails & internet. The lockdown would be unbearable without such contact. Thank you, all my friends for your chatter on here as it is keeping me sane.
LOL LINDA . . . but I hope you are now asleep
This is the last full supermoon of 2020 (7 May 2020).
Enjoy the day.
My fancy moth is still in its cocoon sack. It's turned very cold here, despite being hot just a couple of days ago. We could get frost or even snow on Friday night.
Lindybird: Do hope you managed to get some sleep. Perhaps you'll try that deep breathing technique we were blathering about the other day. I was half-expecting to see a Presidential tan in your assortment. :-)) Ukraine Pie?? Does it glow in the dark?
Diane: I saw that the weather is about to change there - if your moth is smart it will stay in its cocoon for now.
AQ: Re the Hawthorne quote, I guess I'm more of the 'seek and ye shall find" persuasion. :-)
Have a good Thursday all.
ANNETTE – Me too. But I thought the quote was sort of appropriate for these times.
With wind & rain predicted later, I went out for a short burst of sunshine & weeding. The worst weeds were in the shade of the crabapple tree. So much for Vitamin D, but I demolished a smallish patch of unwanted green.