Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week and stays healthy and safe!

  • Morning all: Gosh, I've never heard of sleep paralysis. What a scary condition.

    SunnyKate: Deep and focused breathing is truly calming. We end our yoga practices with savasana, which involves laying on the floor and focusing on the breath (something you do throughout the practice anyway) so that everything slows way down - you end up with relaxed muscles and a calm mind. As you said, you have to keep going back to the breath when your brain decides to butt in with worries. It's worked for me on many, though not all, sleepless nights. Sometimes I find a cookie and half an hour with a good book works too. :-))

    Went for a walk earlier and saw two interesting things: One was a blue heron in an overgrown lot with what appeared to be a mole or gopher dangling from its beak. I stopped to watch but the heron put down its meal and tiptoed a little way away - I wondered if it was trying to pretend it hadn't caught anything in case I rushed in and snatched it up.. The second interesting thing was a sign outside our local Starbucks saying they're reopening on May 6. It's not a drive-through so they'll have some major restrictions but it's nice to see. I'll look forward to the day when (when??) they set up the outside tables again.

    Have a bit of yard work to do this morning, then more 'really ought to do' chores after that, including some token vacuuming and dusting. :-(

  • I use some of the techniques that SUNNYKATE describes and can recommend them.
    Regarding dreams - I have had some bizarre ones lately! Last night I was on holiday abroad and ended up with one leg painted red and one yellow :-)
  • The dinosaur was a man who lives one street away, who decided everyone needed cheering up. He was very popular, chasing the small boys who decided to be 'brave' and confront him, but who ran screaming when he turned on them.

    Nice thought that you might be able to sit outside Starbucks soon, Annette. Our tips have opened today! but only in some areas, some of them are slow to adapt. My OH has had an email from his golf club about the social distancing measures which will be put in place if and when they can return, but it will at first be only for two players at a time. He is excited about the thought of it!
  • I once attended Relaxation classes, and it was very interesting. We were taught to lay prone and imagine all our worries going out with our breath, which was coming in through the tops of our heads, and out through our toes. I still use that sometimes. We learned various techniques each week but the best part was waiting to see which of the gentlemen there in the room was the first to snore! as usually, one did.

    Its a beautiful evening here, sunny and calm. We had gusty wind yesterday and this morning, but its settled now. Just enjoyed roast lamb which my OH threw in the oven for three hours, and then we finished off the meal with some leftover strawberries and some leftover brownie chunks with a bit of frothy cream. (how we ever managed to have leftover brownies, I have no idea, because I can't stop eating them once I start.)

    Youngest son made me laugh as I sent them an adjustable table tennis net to play with, and he said that although Tomasz is enjoying it, poor Matthew is not tall enough yet and can hardly see what's coming over the top of the dining table they've put it on!
  • Weather here back to its new normal and will last at least a week, possibly ten days! Two hours in the garden this afternoon, both felt better for it, and OH intends to mow tomorrow.

    ANNETTE - would prefer the Heron sighting to the Starbuck's notice! Several businesses here seem to be slipping under the radar - although most seem to be reducing to takeaway in pre-ordered slots - even the local chippy is opening for delivery only! OH has booked a click-and-collect Asda visit in two weeks time. I think we are giving up on the Morrison boxes as we have a glut of cheddar cheese, white bread, sausages and minced beef - although we did get some good grapes include this week. We also had a delivery of real farmhouse ice cream yesterday - taking care of the essentials! LOL.

  • LINDA - how was the maypole organised without the children getting close to each other? I used to love maypole dancing when I was little!
  • There were only three children dancing, and I think at least two of them were sisters. Everyone watching kept a distance, but was clapping and laughing. A happy hour amidst all the uncertainty at the moment.