Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week and stays healthy and safe!

  • Just a thought
    Never give up. Great things take time. Be patient.
  • Evening all:  

    Heather/PatO: Wouldn't it be nice if there were really only one of them??

    Rosy:  Thrills at our market this morning where there was a good supply of antibacterial/anti-virus wipes!  Smiley faces all round.

    Diane:  I love that video - the music is fun and so uplifting. Thank you.  How do these talented people organize these things?

    Lindybird: Congrats on being published!  Wonder if they'll get any feedback.....  Fascinated that a small moth caused such exasperation.

    AQ:  Captain Tom got a mention in our media too on his actual bday.   Does that mean there's still a chance we could do something wonderful too?

    OK, so I had a wonderful day and here's why:  I went down to where you can see the whales and didn't see a single one!!   BUT.  An old surfer dude came by to check out the waves and we were chatting (from a distance) when he suddenly looked behind me and said 'There's the osprey.'  OMG.  I knew there was one down there but had never seen it.  Anyway, there it was - with a fish no less.  It was up in a tree (he said that was its feeding perch) and I was able to stand underneath it for more than 40 minutes and watch it devour this good-sized fish.  I have good binoculars and was able to see the eyes clearly, as well as the talons, feathers - and the fish.  Just such a treat!

    Off to find a glass of wine and sort out dinner.

    Thanks all for news!  Stay well.  

  • ANNETTE - what a thrill, indeed :-)
    Sorry no whales, I seem to remember that you were lucky last week?
    OG - Agree, not a lot to talk about but it's good that we don't mind a bit of waffling, it's just good to ' see' each other!
    LINDY - tell us more about the moth...
  • Diane - Thank you so much for sharing your 'dream' and also the song. Brought a lump to my throat.

    Had problems getting on here this morning. On one of the other threads there were comments that it always seems to be bad on the first of the month - so I'm putting it down to that! They thought perhaps that was 'maintenance day'.

    Had a lovely chat with Charlie this morning, who tried to offer me one of the flapjacks he had just made! Then he said, 'You come here and you can have a flapjack!' Great logic from a not-quite-four year old! It was lovely to see them all (his mum and dad are both key workers, but were off today), I hate to think what we would all do without all the technology, which allows us to keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Here I am at last! Couldn't get on here this morning, so had to give up.

    Been to do our Big Shop for the week, got there early & was rewarded by finding a fully stocked plant section, so got some of the bedding plants I've been after, to brighten up the garden once our spring flowers are over.

    Agree that there are various attitudes in the shops: some are masked up & look fearful,(although I understand that some have health issues), some are in holiday mood, as they feel they've been "let out", some are grumpy about the whole thing, some are unfazed, sone are glowering at any tiny infringement: I just waltz round dancing between them!

    Annette, what a truly wonderful experience. I've gone green with envy. Sorry the whales aren't in evidence perhaps they are social distancing, too!
  • More from me, later: lots to do just now so that I can relax more at the weekend.

    Oh, and thanks to Diane for the wonderful music:-)))
  • Unknown said:
    I think we should round up all the people who don't think social distancing is necessary right now and send them off to one state then shut the border so they can mingle to their hearts desire.

    With Trump.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Yes, Limpy. He would fit in there beautifully. As long as someone removes his mobile phone before they lock the doors, then we would never need to hear those ridiculous tweets again ...

    Annette - What a lovely surprise for you. So pleased you had your binoculars with you so you could study the osprey in detail while she/he had her/his lunch. Those sort of happenstances are very special.
  • Hi Rosy, Glad you got your toaster. Yes, I have never understood why supermarkets continually change things round. esp at the moment when people want to get in and out of the shop as quick as poss.
  • Thank you DIANE , for the link, just watched/listened :-)