Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week! 

I have a small natural sack hanging from a branch next to my front door. It feels like papery leather, and there's clearly something inside it, because it moves on its own! It's oddly heavy! I've been concerned that it may have been made by a swarm of wasps or a large bat. 

I think I've finally figured out what built it and is living in it. I believe it's a Cecropia moth, a giant silk moth. These are the largest moths in North America, and they can be more than 7 inches wide or 18 centimeters. They appear as big as a human hand. I hope I'm outdoors when the cocoon opens. 

Here's a photo showing what the cocoon looks like (mine is wider than this one): 

Cecropia Moth Cocoon
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

Here's a photo showing what the moth will look like, if that's what comes out:

Cecropia Moth, giant silk moth
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Hi Lindy Yes, we too have had an unexpectedly sunny afternoon and so enjoyed sitting out. We have all been so very lucky here in the UK. OH has received a couple of messages saying that Spain has had rain, rain and yet more rain over the last week and more.
  • Glorious sunshine here - I sat in the garden for half an hour this morning, and for an hour after lunch, then I got too hot. About an hour ago, the doorbell rang and some of my plants arrived, which I'd sent for a fortnight ago. Must go and get them in the garden, as we don't know how long they've been travelling.

    Harelady, it's a shame you've only seen Lily once. I know how you feel.
  • Morning all.  Sounds like car batteries are being difficult - could that be because we're not driving as much?

    Lindybird: I saw an article on the BBC website yesterday about that program with some marvelous photos; must keep an eye out for it here.  Apparently, there's a bigger, better version of Hubble - the James Webb Space Telescope or JWST  - going up next year (it's still on schedule) that, although more powerful, will complement the Hubble's capabilities.   It's alleged to be able to look back almost to the beginning of time.....   I can't easily get my puny brain around that one!    Enjoy the plants.

    Harelady: I do sympathize re not seeing the grandchildren. I'm really missing my trips to Arizona.   I was also thinking (best laid plans and all that) to go back to the UK in June to spend time with my sister.  I typically make those trips in the Fall, but it's my daughter's 60th in early Octobe and had other, vaguer, plans about that. At this point, I'd be delirious at the prospect of going out to dinner in a restaurant!  

    Diane:  Do ask the phone company about a Network Extender, but if you have to go back to the former provider, ask if they have any special 'corona virus' deals for vulnerable older folks. Oh, and don't forget to sound vulnerable.  :-))  (You strike me as super-competent.)   Daughter in Arizona is out in the comparative boonies is with a smaller company that simply doesn't have the 'reach' of some others, which is really frustrating at times...

    Thank heaven it was cooler when I went for a walk this morning, so am going to do some garden tidy up n a bit.   The exciting thing was that my super-wonderful extendable shears lost a key part last weekend.  I couldn't find it on the ground and when I called the company to buy a replacement, they said it wasn't fixable but was a manufacturer's defect and would send me a new pair. They arrived yesterday.  Hurray.  Then the handle on our sliding patio doors started coming apart so I called that company and was told there was a lifetime warranty and now we're awaiting a new handle.  They also sent a video link so we could replace it ourselves (which they claim is very easy......)

    Anyway, off to sort out my corner of the world.

  • Hi Everyone - I don't post much here but I do enjoy popping in now and again and reading your news.

    Such challenging times we are all facing just now and I hope you don't mind me posting this capture a friend sent me for I think it is brilliant and would very much like to share it :-)  

    Stay safe everyone :-)

  • Karen:  If I could click on Really Like, I'd do it.   So clever - I'll pass it on to friends.  And don't we love librarians!  :-)

  • KAREN - are you the Karen from near Lesmahagow who used to post on here?
  • EAGLE-EYE: No, I'm another Karen from near Edinburgh. It has been a while since I posted - pretty sure it was when sharing my Queensferry Crossing Experience as I was one of the lucky ones to be chosen to walk the new bridge.