Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week! 

I have a small natural sack hanging from a branch next to my front door. It feels like papery leather, and there's clearly something inside it, because it moves on its own! It's oddly heavy! I've been concerned that it may have been made by a swarm of wasps or a large bat. 

I think I've finally figured out what built it and is living in it. I believe it's a Cecropia moth, a giant silk moth. These are the largest moths in North America, and they can be more than 7 inches wide or 18 centimeters. They appear as big as a human hand. I hope I'm outdoors when the cocoon opens. 

Here's a photo showing what the cocoon looks like (mine is wider than this one): 

Cecropia Moth Cocoon
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

Here's a photo showing what the moth will look like, if that's what comes out:

Cecropia Moth, giant silk moth
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Limpy: Nice to see you and let me add my greetings for you to pass on to Clare and Helen.  Is Helen still involved with horses?

    Had a nice day; went to wave at the whales and saw just two - a calf and a cow that were fairly close to shore.  Otherwise, a quiet sort of day.

    Take care everyone...

  • Good Morning. Sunny but chilly here, should warm up later.

    Couldn't get on here last night, things playing up again. I'm going to take my walk by going into the town to collect prescriptions for both of us today. Trying to make our contact with the outside world as little as possible. Some of the chemists around here already had delivery to your front door in place before this, but as its so quiet I'm not expecting to meet anyone on my walk.

    My OH is off to the allotment to water his tomatoes, & check on things there. He is glad of the good weather as he can sit in the garden and read once he's done his list of Things to Do for the day.

    Everyone have a good day!
  • Good morning all
    WENDYb - I heard on radio this morning about care home staff who have to travel from Oxford to Twickenham for testing, even though there is a testing place in Oxford...
  • That's bonkers! Surely care staff, as well as NHS staff, should go to their nearest testing station? A nurse in our local hospital was tested on the hospital premises (she was positive, but recovered very quickly). Can't believe, with all this emphasis about not travelling more than absolutely necessary, that they are making people travel such vast distances. It just doesn't make sense … but does anything at the moment? Someone once said 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World' - it sure is!
  • I agree, completely bonkers! Strange times, everyone seems to be interpreting things in their own way.

    Diane, that is an amazing thing to have outside your door. All the critters seem to home in on your abode!
    It would be a rather large flying object to emerge inside your house!

    AQ, I was wondering what you were knitting now. I am making a Ron Weasley blanket (as seen in Harry Potter films).
    I made one some time ago for my granddaughter and she loved it.
    It is not subtle, but a riot of clashing colours. Apparently, it was made by Mrs Weasley out of the leftover yarn from all the jumpers that she knitted for her large family.
    Maybe it will not be so popular now, some time on, but even teenagers might like the stunning effect!
    I could never 'get into' the H P books, but the granddaughter loves them. I read the first one, so I would know what she was talking about.
    I will give the blanket to a charity shop when finished. It is fun to knit. It has pink next to orange, vertical, horizontal and diagonal stripes, and odd colours added to complete some of the squares.

    Best wishes to everyone. As the person on the door at M&S this morning said "We have gone so far, we cannot give up now"
  • DIANE. I know what you mean. Just recently we have had a spell of warm sunny weather and we have seen a good number of bees around. Unfortunately the night time temps have been low and the bees can't cope with that. Such a shame.
  • Heather there was such an outrage in Bournemouth when all the care home owners found out how far their staff were expected to drive. The town is known as Costa Geriatrica so a lot of money invested. Latest is there will be a testing centre in Poole opening this week.
    Youngest was so under the weather she has just had a long week end to recover . She had glandular fever ( pretty bad as they first thought it was meningitis .. after a dash to the hospital and a painful lumber puncture it was ruled out) and since then if she is overtired she gets nasty tonsils. She did ask to have them out but was told as it’s not actually tonsillitis she would still get stump pain. Lots of rest and back to work today .
    Brilliant long days in the garden borders started , bark spread, pots titivated, lawn mown and strimming achieved.
    My daffs are still in full bloom as we are quite a way behind the rest of you avid gardeners.
    My triumph was taking 4 large branches off my 16 year old Sequoia. I bought as a 2 foot high joke saying I would leave a legacy with the largest tree in the area. After all these years of taking off the lower branches I can now buy a circular seat to go around it and enjoy its shade. Maybe next year as I need to see one rather than buy online.
  • Morning all:  Toddled off for walk this morning then home to contemplate the next thing I ought to be doing....  

    Wendyb:  Glad youngest is recovering. Never heard of stump pain with tonsils.  Had mine out (like most of my generation) as a sort of rite of passage at age 7 or something. Adenoids too (whatever they are).  Glad your garden is catching up....   Had to smile at Costa Geriatrica...

    Take care everyone.

  • Annette... me neither until the specialist answered her question .
  • Wendyb: Just looking and given that tonsils and adenoids are part of the immune system, no wonder they've stopped taking them out....