Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • I don't even know whether I have posted on here today! Actually did some work this afternoon rather than just watching - I was given troughs of Tete-a-tete Daffodils to dead-head. Was sunny, but a strong breeze at times.

    HEATHER - no fan of Cullen Skink - I always refer to it as Cullen STink - won't enter a restaurant that has it on the menu in case someone orders it! (apologies to the good folks of Cullen!)
  • Unfortunately Heather, I introduced a snippit of ivy from my mum and over the years it took over the garden and much to our regret, we didn't keep it in check. Now that the bulk has been cleared it is up to us to try and keep it under control. It is already in the lleylandii and the flowering cherry and on the fence backing on to an outside pathway. Job - to cut it down to size. I also pruned down a flowering redcurrant today as it has grown too big.

    AQ - Yes, be kind to all, wonder whether that will be remembered when we are out of the crisis.
    A snippit of information - street crime has gone down but unfortunately domestic abuse cases have risen due to the lockdown.
  • Lindy. I remember my mum always had a hot meal for us. Loved her stews, can't make them as nice but love mine anyway. Can't beat a hearty beef stew - onion, carrots, celery, pots, stock and HPsauce for that bite.

    Weather here has been cloudy with occasional sunny periods - managed to get a lot of the ivy remnants cleared up, just got to put them in the garden bin ready for the next collection.

    Capt. Tomk's lates total was approx £18m - such a lovely man and with a down to earth attitude - one of the old brigade.
  • ANNETTE & LINDA - Indian Hawthorn is regarded as an environmental weed in NSW & QLD and a potential weed elsewhere in Aussieland.

    WENDY - Why can’t they set up testing clinics in major hospitals? Or is there a shortage of testing kits? We also have a few drive-through testing stations, one does not leave the car. Our state’s blitz on anyone who thought they may be infected, yesterday saw record numbers tested. And no positives.

    LYNETTE – We have domestic violence and idiots who think they can drink/drug & drive, as well as steal & torch cars. Do they think the police are busy checking those who should be self-isolating.

    Capt Tom has been on our TV news for several nights.

    We have rain! 4.4 mm overnight. That’s about 12 points in old measure. I’m sure it is too wet to do any weeding LOL.

  • Grandparent’s Answering Machine

    Good morning. . . . At present we are not at home but, please leave your message after you hear the beep. Beeeeeppp . . .

    If you are one of our children, dial 1 and then select the option from 1 to 5 in order of "arrival" so we know who it is.

    If you need us to stay with the children, press 2.
    If you want to borrow the car, press 3.
    If you want us to wash your clothes and do the ironing, press 4.
    If you want the grandchildren to sleep here tonight, press 5.
    If you want us to pick up the kids at school, press 6.
    If you want us to prepare a meal for Sunday or to have it delivered to your home, press 7.
    If you want to come to eat here, press 8.
    If you need money, dial 9.
    If you are going to invite us to dinner, or, take us to a restaurant, start talking . . . we are listening!

  • Evening all:  Forgot to mention that I watched The Guernsey Potato Peel Society Book Club on Netflix last night.  A lovely gentle movie.  

    Diane: If you haven't watched The Laundromat (based on the Panama Papers scandal); you might want to look out for it; stars Meryl Streep, Antonio Banderas and Gary Oldman.

    AQ:  Re Indian Hawthorne, does that mean that it's classed as an invasive species there?  Hard to imagine it's a weed.....

  • Thanks, Annette. I'll check it out. Hope you're okay.
  • Good Morning. The dry spell continues, as although it was supposed to be broken by rain last night, all we got were a few drops.

    AQ -- Love the phone answering! :-D

    Annette - Glad you enjoyed the film. Friend and I thought it was well done, and very charming.
  • Just seen weather forecast for the next week - wow! lots of garden watering ahead. I think we can risk hanging Fuchsias outside now - to make room to move Cucumbers and sow Courgettes.
  • My OH has been out with Bonnie and just as they got to their furthermost point, the rain came down! - Somewhat short lived , though.

    Yes, OG, I was just checking the weather for the next 9 days and its still unbelievably dry! Almost as if the previous months of solid rain had used up all the supplies of it! Monty Don on the gardening programme said that a lot of our spring plants are doing so well because of their enjoying the deluges we had.

    Next door having her driveway pressure washed this morning, which seems to be taking ages. No wonder it's an expensive process.