Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • I still don't understand why people object to a 1 or 2 % tax rise, yet love the feel-good thrill of responding to charity appeals - surely if we were truly democratic we should have a national system to raise what is necessary and distribute it in a fair and equitable manner - after all, I keep hearing quotes that we are all in this together!
  • Lindybird/dibnlib:  Happy belated and future anniversaries!

    OG:  Indeed.  People don't want to pay increased taxes but then complain when roads aren't fixed, schools aren't funded, etc., etc... (well, I'm speaking for the situation on this side of the Pond).    Glad you're feeling better.

    PatO:  Hope the thrill of learning how to do itals, etc., hasn't raised your blood pressure.  :-)

    AQ;  Fall is typically (should say was) our traditional fire season.  Fortunately, we've had masses of late rain this year, which is good for this year, but just makes everything grow, thus providing lots of fuel for future years' fires.

    Just back from old-dears' shopping hours.  Target was very quiet (got shampoo, moisturizer, etc) then to the large Albertsons, which wasn't busy at all....

    Looks like another day in the garden...

  • In Scotland we pay more tax than the rest of the UK and we have got on with it...
    This “Captain Tom” steamroller is a feel good factor I think with the country being in such uncharted territory...
    The money is being split between NHS support charities with no government involvement .
    Once we get back to normal the real bill will be delivered from all our pay packets .
  • Thanks, Annette - I think my blood pressure is normal! I actually left the sanctuary of my home and went out for the first time in three and a half weeks this morning. I remembered how to drive! Had to queue for about ten minutes to get into the shop, but the sun was shining, so that was OK. Once in the shop I couldn't believe the stupidity of fellow shoppers … standing in the aisles, doubling back, leaning over other people. I dashed around and got everything I needed (including loo rolls!) and dashed out as quickly as possible. If I had forgotten everything (which I did - didn't look for pasta!) I wouldn't allow myself to double back, but just kept moving forward. Some people were behaving just as they normally would, rather than moving forward, taking what they needed and getting out as quickly as possible. Am I being a GOW? Probably!!! But being in the 'vulnerable' category, I didn't want to be there, and just wanted to get out fast. No need now to go out for another week or so. I will now disappear back into my reclusive state.

    Hope everyone is OK. OG - so pleased you are feeling better. Hope all the deliveries arrived safely.
  • Stay safe and well done Pat O..
    I don’t need to go food shopping until at least after the 8th May as I have my regular slot. I might venture to m and s one day though.
    My girls have worked out a system to get ASDA slots. Once they come up one text the other and they are doing well so far.
    Duke who is my usual Angel went in my shed got the dustbin with the fat balls over and I caught him chomping .
    He wasn’t there long so fingers crossed . He had no brekkie and reduced tea tonight .
  • Wendy - your girls are fortunate to be able to see Asda slots! Whenever they put up the next day, a week in advance, they are already full! So people like me have no chance. Anyway - I've gone on about it quite enough. There doesn't seem to be an answer, at least in this part of the world, so I just need to accept it, take a deep breath and get on and go shopping when I need to!
  • Maybe look at 10.30pm Pat O..
    It does also depend on the size of your local store..
  • WENDY hope Duke is ok.

    OG Glad you are better.
  • Wendy - yes, tried that. I actually sat with the website open and watched it click the next day on - and it was already full! Grrr
  • Butcher delivered our order just after lunch; I am ordering to freeze and then eat it when we need it. Later, Morrison box arrived, so we had some sorting to do as some of their's (does that have an apostrophe, or not) also gets frozen in workable quantities. I have told OH he must not order from either of them for next week!

    Didn't do much today, and OH only spent about an hour in the garden - I think he has now weeded everything in sight! Right now, he is doing the rounds with the hosepipe! Lots of seeds germinating now - very promising.

    Had I mentioned the Mouse's nest? When he was digging last week he disturbed a Mouse in her nest - luckily no babies. Then we didn't see the mice for a while, but this morning they both reappeared under the bird feeders, munching happily!

    WENDY - I hope Duke will not have a bad night after his escapade!

    Very belated congratulations to LINDA and OH - sounds like a lovely celebration meal!

    Evenings are so light now - I had forgotten how quickly they change. And we are having some lovely colourful sunsets.