Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • HEATHER yes another cold day here.

    Just realised SCYLLAs video was the Marsh family singing. Such fun.
  • Hello - not been feeling well today - think I caught a bug from J who had it Monday - can only assume he caught it at the pharmacy on Saturday! I stayed indoors today but OH has mowed, clipped and strimmed all the grass today - and even sucked up the bits with the leaf-blower! Have heard back from magazine contributors - looks like I shall be busy next week, but it does seem right to do it for those with internet access and to pass it on to others where possible - a small contribution to normality. Still enjoying this bright sunny weather - but even that doesn't seem normal for us!
  • OG - hope you feel better soon. I think we are all even more conscious than usual about feeling 'not right' at the moment.

    I'm doing a weekly news sheet for the church which is sent to anyone whose e-mail address is in our Church Directory, and to anyone else who has requested it. The original idea was that it would be a couple of pages, but so far I have done three - two with eight pages and one with nine! People are very keen to keep in touch with each other, which is a very good thing. It's a bit like producing our monthly magazine every week. But what else would I be doing, now that almost everything else is suspended? I'm sure your congregation is just as pleased to receive your offering during these difficult times. One of the other churches in our Circuit is doing something similar but pinched a really good name for it - Extraordinary Times - a lovely double entendre (wish I knew how to do italics on here!).

    Hope everyone is keeping well and occupied. I'm sure houses will be so clean and gardens so beautifully tended over the next … however long.
  • OG - I thought you'd been quiet. Sorry you're not 100%, and hope it's short lived.

    Our garden has never been so neat at this time of year. Except for where Bonnie came onto the middle of the lawn with a piece of rotting wood she'd found behind the compost bins, and had a good chew, leaving all the debris!!

    I sent for two new garden pots as some of the bulbs this year will be left in their pots for next year's display. Then when our new plants arrive, I can make some cheerful displays.

    It's our Wedding Anniversary today (47th) so tonight we had a good meal with a bottle of organic white wine: gammon slices with a pineapple & mango sauce, from Waitrose. Finished with a heavenly Choc Brownie pudding & vanilla ice cream, also Waitrose - very good, we shall treat ourselves again! Will be able to enjoy the pudding again tomorrow anyway, as there was enough for four.
  • OG: I hope you have a simple, short-term bug and not The Virus. Please take care of yourself. Rest all you can.

  • Lindy: Happy Anniversary! I hope it was a good day.

    Pat: To make words italic: 

    (1) Click on Use rich formatting.

    (2) Type your post in the box. 

    (3) Select the text you want to make italic (that is, drag your mouse over it). 

    (4) Click on Format in the menu at the top of the box and click on Italic

    (5) Click on Post.

    That will make those words italic in your post.

  • Can't say that the house is neat, although we did attack all the floors yesterday, and I've hand washed some woven cotton rugs we have on the bathroom floor. There are still lots of documents and photos to be sorted, but goodness knows when they'll get done :-(

    Received some funny Easter cards, handmade by the grandchildren - the boys had made & decorated their own, of course, and little Rosies had a paint handprint on the front!! Also some school photographs of the boys, looking very grown up in their uniforms.
  • OG hope you feel better soon I hade “ something” over the weekend couldn’t put a finger on it but total tiredness. Lucky weather was dull and chilly so easy to just chill.
    Similar today weather wise but an amazing sky later.. typical .
    Have types from youngest from youngest on getting shopping slots. I am sorted to the beginning of may but she had get slots as and when for her student house.
    Loving Captain Tom and his fundraising walk.. nearly 100 years old and raised over £3 1/2 million for NHS so far ..
  • I put a reminder on Facebook for Captain Tom's fund. Only this morning, they were saying that it was a amazing 1 Million -- now it's creeping up to the 4 million by tomorrow!!! It's captured the publics imagination, as they say.
  • Unknown said:
    Pat: To make words italic

    As my knees have been permanently welded to a laptop for many years, I can tell you an even quicker way Smiley cat

    (I learnt this on eBay message boards, in the good old days when there were umpteen evil buyers and sellers to read about every day, and stalwart regulars who used to give solid advice, so eventually you got it in your bones how to use eBay... and for some reason someone came up with these instructions.)

    (1) Type your text

    (2) Select/highlight it as described

    (3) Hold down the Ctrl key

    (4) Tap the "i".

    It works for Bold if you tap B, and Underline if you tap U, but I don't thiink there's a Strikethrough key by default.