Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • My immediate thought was that SRF was a brand of washing powder! I'm not a baker either - but I did make a white sauce today with what I now know I must call SRF - never heard that before. At least I've learned something today!
  • It's a bit like knitting patterns - if you've never knitted, you don't feel familiar with the term "K2tog!"
  • I knew what DIBNLIB meant :-) There is a huge shortage of all types of flour up here.
    Middle daughter did manage to get some bread flour and yeast the other day and sent me a pic of home made bread rolls an hour or two ago. Why would she want to torture a loving mother in this way?!
  • Hello all you lovely people with real lives to discuss!  Here I am with my 5-yearly intrusion - wishing to share a super video I found on an American's Facebook page Open mouth

    I do not know where the original first appeared.  (Since then, found it on YouTube.) 

    It takes a little while to get going, but I think you will really enjoy it:


  • SCYLLA - nice to see you, and thanks but video didn't work for me.

    Thanks for all posts - making mine a short one. Spent three lovely hours in the garden. made a few phone calls and now need to send around a message to church folks who may be willing to contribute when I tell them I am going to attempt a magazine for May, although it will only appear on the website once again. OH made his pastoral phone calls on Easter day, and the ones who had seen the magazine for April said they had appreciated it. I think the older ones (we have them in their eighties and nineties) are glad of any contact.
  • Unknown said:
    video didn't work for me.

    Hi Eagle-eye - I put my thinking cap on (!!!) and found it on YouTube where all can watch it, so have changed the link Slight smile

  • Scylla - enjoyed the video. Thanks!
  • SCYLLA - thanks again. That video actually began its public life over here - on BBC Breakfast - but happy to see it again. I think its amazing that so many folk are sharing such varied items during the lockdown, all keeping one another's spirits up!
  • Yes, we saw it before, too, but thanks Scylla, for trying to cheer us all up. :-)

    My s. in law Sue decided to have a lay in bed this morning, as its a holiday. She was watching The News at five to nine, when the doorbell rang. Worried that it might be something important, she threw on a dressing gown and rushed downstairs to answer the door. On the step she found a nurse '"in the full regalia" as she called it, with a nurses cap on, and holding a kidney shaped dish with a syringe in it.

    "Good Morning" she said, "I hope I'm not too early for you". Sue looked at her in puzzlement. "It's for your injection, Mrs Smith!" .... "For your bone cancer"...... Sue was relieved, and said that there was a mix up: eventually, they worked out that the nurse should be in an adjoining road. But then Sue laughed, peals of laughter, and said to her, "I thought for a minute you'd come to euthanize me, as the Government had decided to do all of us Oldies in, as we're a nuisance!!" -- I laughed so much when she told me this, I cried!!
  • OG that sounds a bit like our Church family. There are some younger/middle families but a lot is made up of elderly people.. Our minister makes a point of ringing round his flock once a week to see how we are.. Had a communication from one of our ladies so rang her today - nice to keep in touch.

    Still no luck with delivery slots for the next two weeks but managed one for May 3rd so will have to keep my eyes on the ball for further weeks after that. I did ring Morrisons today and got through fairly quickly. They said they could deliver fairly basic items tomorrow but as I already had them I declined. Like to do a weekly shop at end of the week. Still he was very understanding of my enquiry. Probably will send dau out on Thurs for a shop but cut out what I can manage without.

    Do hope all of you are managing to cope. Keep safe, stay well.