Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 April 2020


The full super moon is the night of 7-8 April. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and has an easy week. Hang in there, folks! 

Here are some horses grazing Friday on the big sky prairie near Lafayette, Indiana, where I grew up. 

  • Pat O we are quite remote so only seen a police car twice in 19 years ... really.
    Don’t worry when I need to I don’t mind speaking my mind but need to rely on Duke.
    Our western isle ferries have banned the hundreds of second home owners trying to get to Mull etc. I did see our national park has deployed snow gates. Useful piece of kit .

  • Heather B said:
    Sorry if I sounded aggressive!

    Don't apologise.  What I'd like to say would get me thrown off this website. Grr.

  • Hi, folks, back again! Didn’t get outside – spent whole afternoon filling in a form hoping for increase in the care element of DLA – thankfully I was within eight days of the cut off point so receive DLA, didn’t have to change to PIP. Now OH has to do more “personal care” for me day and night, I feel I should get more money to compensate him a little bit (I already get lower rate care and high rate mobility indefinitely).

    OH is outside with the hosepipe watering just about everything in the garden. Supposed to be cloudy tomorrow, so may get a day off from watering!

    HEATHER – I am trying to stay positive – no other choice! I do worry, but not a lot – just gets me further down. Sorry you are struggling – sure I would too if I was alone here. I am lucky to have OH and J here with me!

    PAT – joining in the exercises sounds like fun! We did have Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday (for breakfast) – I had saved the final three we had from M&S in the freezer.

    Haven’t seen any concrete evidence of flouting Stay At Home rules, but seem to have seen a local pub implying that it is open, on Facebook. There is a case of the virus in one of our local Care Homes – they are all private around here, Council does not run any themselves.

    Wishing you all well at Easter – try to focus on the good things!