Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 April 2020


The full super moon is the night of 7-8 April. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and has an easy week. Hang in there, folks! 

Here are some horses grazing Friday on the big sky prairie near Lafayette, Indiana, where I grew up. 

  • Pat - Unfortunately, my OH is the quiet one, so has to cope with my continued prattling!! Your exercising sounded fun :-)

    However, I got into conversation with my neighbour this morning over the garden fence - she is alone - and we talked for about three quarters of an hour!! I tried a couple of times to break off, but didn't want to leave as she was keen to chat. I gave her some teabag samples as we were talking about our favourites. When I finally got back into the house, I found a bag of mixed veg on the draining board, which were no longer frozen.....

    This morning I got moving and went to the supermarket early, which paid off as the queue wasn't too bad. Grabbed lots of meat, milk & bread with fresh & frozen veg, and hot cross buns, and now I don't need to go out for a week. We're going to eat half a turkey, roasted, tonight - a version of Christmas dinner. Left over from the festive season and supposed to be for us to take to our caravan -- we haven't been there since last October and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms now :-(((
  • First Good Friday without hot cross buns for me … means I'll have to eat twice as many next year!
  • AQ: I generally enjoy a well-crafted conspiracy theory. If someone has a good account of UFOs and government cover-ups, I'll have fun reading it (even if I reject it). It's interesting to consider the potential mysteries in the world, and I think there's a great deal that we don't know yet about this universe. BUT DANG!!! Those Covid-19 conspiracy theories are really disturbing. They don't offer a shred of logic or science or credibility. For crying out loud, what is wrong with people? I'm not an elitist. If folks find some solace in considering all the wild possibilities of life, it's fine with me. But this current goofiness doesn't bode well for our future, because as a society we need some critical thinking rooted in science to deal with this crisis. Sheesh...

  • Diane:   Yes, in the face of all the existing science, this voodoo blathering seems a bit like the Dark Ages... We all know who to blame for that....

    OG: I read about that woman who was fined on the BBC web site.  I wonder if there were more - or if I misunderstood my friend.  I know the phone connection was static-y that day...

    Sunny today.  May toddle off down to the beach to watch for any whales....  We got an e-mail from the now-retired head of the whale count saying he missed us all and that apparently even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration wasn't conducting the count this year, but early reports indicated another bad year for the whales....   I'm assuming NOAA isn't counting due to the virus, but it could well be (and I've no proof at all) that our Clueless Leader slashed their budget along with all the other environmental, etc. groups.  Arghhh.

  • I'm incensed....I have to come on here to get it off my chest...

    It's been a beautiful day here, almost like summer. Everyone has been out in their gardens. The windows are open. We can hear that someone in our road has visitors!!!!! They arrived this afternoon & are apparently staying for a meal, as we can hear loud voices in the house & garden.

    What the heck!!!!!
  • I feel your pain... we have second home owners flitting back and forth as they are still working.
    Dogs are walking locally up farm tracks and fields which is nice and safe. Then you get non locals walking their dogs past the cottage and to get here they have driven to the Speyside Way carpark. Their card is marked as Duke alerts me to strangers in his road.
    Chilly day but got washing dried batch cooking done and decluttering of the double garage.
    Nice dog walk after their tea...
  • LINDY -,there are no words. I feel angry too, could kick people like that from here to wherever.
  • Why are some people just ignoring the advice? Most people are keeping to the guidelines, and yet those few who aren't are endangering not only themselves but everyone else as well. Wendy, if I lived there I would suggest the police might like to patrol that car park. And as for visitors just dropping in for a meal … grrrrrrrrr. Do they think the rules don't apply to them? That somehow they are above them? Words fail me …