Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and keeps healthy. I'm hoping that everyone on this forum will avoid the virus. Sending you all protective energy. 


The big Barred Owls are nesting at the bottom of the ridge right across from my front door. Every time I go outdoors, one of them gives me a booming hoot. Last year, they nested in a tall, old locust tree on the levee by the creek. We had so much flooding that the nest site turned out to be a precarious perch. I think they remembered it was a dangerous location, so this year they’re nesting low in a tree across from me. They are incredibly loud. Their call sounds like, “Whoo cooks for you? Whoo cooks for you?” They can also caterwaul just like large apes when they're feeling aggressive. They can chill my blood sometimes. LOL!

I walked up the hill to town last week to get a couple of meal items at the little general store. I looked up, and R.T. Hawk was flying above me. He landed on a tall silo and watched while I went into the store. Then, he escorted me back. I think he thought he was protecting me from the big Barred Owls, which are his enemies. I hope they can all stay away from each other. R.T. and his mate are nesting far back in the flood plain away from my house right now.

  • Heather: Thanks for asking about me. I've been trying not to talk about the Covid crisis, because I know people are weary of the subject. Since you asked, I'll give you an update. My life hasn't changed markedly, because I'm working on a difficult freelance editing project right now. That's why I haven't posted much lately. I need to finish it so I can get paid! Sigh...

    Last Friday, I did drive to the local town and buy groceries and my BP medication. I was able to stock up on most of what I needed at the superstore (I arrived early on a day when it was storming outdoors). I went to a second store that was severely limiting the number of items you could buy for most goods, and many shelves were bare.

    Indiana has a fairly high incidence of Covid-19, and my rural county has a growing number of cases. The Indiana governor has issued emergency/disaster declarations and a "Stay-at-Home" order allowing only "essential" businesses and services to operate in the state. My public library is closed and even my small-town bank is closed (my bank branch doesn't have a drive thru window). All schools have been closed for the remainder of the school year, and students are e-learning at home.

    My nephew (the son of my brother who passed away in 2016) is due to graduate from high school on 31 May, but I suspect the ceremony will be cancelled. On 17 June, he's due to begin classes at a technical college to study welding and get his certification, but I doubt that will happen.

    I had to change my mobile phone provider and phone (long story). The phone arrived, but it has some sort of unholy glitch that won't allow it to pick up a cellular network. Oh, the sweary words I've uttered...!!! Thus far, I haven't had any luck getting customer service to fix the issue, so I'm living without a telephone during a pandemic. Sigh. I'll call again next week.

    I confess that it's a little scary living alone with no regular contact from anyone during this crisis. But, so far I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Heather.

  • Annette re DIL , she has been feeling it but of course in the front line work its almost impossible not to pick something up. She is resting and staying positive though.
  • lovely and bright to lift spitits the daffs, Lindy.
  • Diane, sorry you're feeling so cut off at such a time: hope it can be fixed. Glad you've got a new project going, hope it goes well. Thinking of you.

    Looking forward to a quieter day tomorrow - when I'll have time to relate The Great Birdseed Delivery Drama!! !!

  • We’ve had rain! Almost 15 mm overnight and more to follow. No weeding today.

    Dau#2 & I had a very long phone chat last eve. The girls are now officially on holiday for 3 weeks and she doubts schools will reopen after. This last week, classes have been combined as parents kept children home. Miss8’s class combined with 2 others. There are 2 Reception classes. The “other” had only one girl yesterday – and it was her birthday, poor child – she joined the twins’ class. Teachers have sent home work for home-schooling.

    The airport baggage handlers outbreak has spread through families to a chemist, MacD and my supermarket. One of the staff who worked Mon & Tues has since tested positive despite no symptoms. 18 staff are in self-isolation. I shopped on Wednesday. Low risk that one of 18 may have caught it and passed it on. Nevertheless I am keeping distant from OH as much as I can. Last weekend realizing that OH has not been anywhere near anyone for more than 4 weeks and that I would be the one to get sick, I moved into our spare room. Not very comfortable, the mattress is harder than the floor!

  • Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. (Lou Erickson)

    God made rainy days, so gardeners could get the housework done. (Anon)

    Grandfather had a farm, his son has a garden, and his grandson has a can-opener. {Prochnow)

    When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. (Anon)

  • AQ:  Ha!  All so true.   Take care.  Now they're telling us to wear masks (but The Great Orange Obfuscator claims it's optional).  

    Diane:  We are here all the time (or so it seems), but what's with that stupid phone?  Grrr. Hope you can get it sorted soon.  Glad you got your supplies okay.

    Lindybird: Oh gosh - a shock for your neighbors (or maybe not....)

    Lynette:  Best thoughts for DiL.

    Just want to say Hello to Jill, who ID'd Lindybird's flower.

    Going for walk while news is on, then home for a glass of wine and to cherry pick the day's events around the world.

    Take care all

  • Duke saying goodnight... this was 8pm might see him again late morning. From a tiny tin hut to luxury :-)

  • Good Morning. Dry here, and we both awoke early. Not my usual "shopping Saturday" as I did my big shop yesterday. Have plenty of other things to do!

    Wendy, love the pic: Bonnie does that, too - it's a really chilled out dog.

    AQ - Great set of gardening quotes. Laughed a lot!! Could add a few of my own, such as "Don't expect the plant you just put in to survive, as a dog may dig it up shortly" and "Its no use covering up the part of the lawn which the dog likes to dig in, as once you've reseeded it, and then nurtured it for 8 weeks, she will then come back & dig it up again!!"

    That spare room bed sounds hard - make him sleep on it!!!  Shocking news about the chaos caused from just the baggage handlers incident.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.