Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • Pat : I found exactly the same this morning. Customers and staff alike looked grim, and fed up.
    I met a friend in Waitrose (this keeps getting changed to waitress!), and we sorted the world, which cheered things up.
    There were no green veg or frozen vegetables, including chips and roast spuds. No tissues or loo rolls of course. Even the bread mixes I use were non existent. There was one tin of stewed steak which I bought for the food bank box, as I had read that they were getting low on supplies.
    I shall venture out again tomorrow to try to increase my store cupboard.
    I think my OH has flu, despite having had the flu jab. According to my doctor son, there is a strain this year which does not show a high temp, but causes extreme tiredness. I know from my own experience that the vaccination is not always effective.

    Lynette: Sorry about the uncertainty over the funeral. Were/are you going to Scotland on holiday?
  • I visited a larger library yesterday (long drive or I would be there more often). I wander in to be greeted by a sign “We are playing swapsies. The ‘this’ books are where ‘that’ were, and ‘that’ now where . . .” Fine if one knew where they had been – my last visit was years ago. I wander on, fiction, fiction as far as the eye can see. I ask where is the non-fiction. “Which particular non-f do you want?” Does it matter? Apparently, as I later find out. The non-f are over there along the far wall. 001 to 690 and then a wall. Where are the rest? Further & further on around a corner. I did find some I had not already read and found my way to the fiction, finding myself in the “Mystery – Thriller” section. No, I am not in the mood for “dark psychological” nor “terror” nor “stalking”. I came home with ten books, maybe 2 weeks’ worth. On return trip, charity drop-off, fruit & veg shop (car park was so crowded), supermarket for OH’s bread, last loaf on shelf. Many shelves empty. Checkouts so busy, it took forever to pay. People behaving like lemmings?
  • ROSY – With sporting events aka mass gatherings cancelled, some caterers here have been donating food to the food bank.
  • That's good OG. Hope to open windows soon for an airing it does make all the difference.
    I think if we can carry on as normal but try and avoid large crowds - if possible try and get shopping delivered to the house. I've done it for ages now and it takes all the hastle out of shopping. Mind you I find I do go into a supermarket occasionally if forgotten anything.. Friends in Cyprus , which is in lockdown, - went for a stroll in their nearbye town and it was like a ghost town. They live out there.

    Annette - looks like you are virtually the same as over here. I expect it won't be long before we might have a lockdown although am going to get to local shops for medication and pay papers - at least I get out for a very short while. and we can go into our gardens for some fresh air.
  • It infuriates me too, all this panic buying, leaving essentials nil on shelves. Supermarkets must now start to ration these essentials so that all can have their fair share once they get stocked up again. We'll have to see what happens. It does indeed Pat O, where has the proper British spirit gone - flown out of the window by all accounts.
    Still, have read that there are volunteer groups springing up to help the vulnerable get the essentials they need, that has to be worthy of praise.
  • We have not heard yet whether our trip to Scotland is off but hopefully will get to hear what is happing in the next week or two otherwise we will be ringing them to find out.
  • Heather:  I listened to the first 14 minutes of Mantel's book - found Lesser's voice a little thin compared to Mark Rylance.  Too bad they can't give us an hour per reading....

    Sun is out here!  Hooray!

  • OG – Do take care when you go out.

    ANNETTE – WW supermarkets are opening 7am - 8 am for seniors & disabled. I’m not sure how many elderlies are up & about that early! Probably too early too for free council buses for seniors. And will the shelves be stocked overnight? I’ve prepared tomorrow’s shopping list – hardly need any groceries as I always keep a spare of most things in pantry.

    Internet horribly slow this morn. What will it be like when people work from home! S-i-l’s work is preparing to do that.

  • AQ: Oh crikey. Hadn't even thought of internet speeds... :-( re groceries, we have oranges in the garden. I may take a bunch to the Food Bank, which is hurting.....
  • I called into Doc to collect repeat script. Clinic is attached to hospital and now the only entrance is through main door, sign in, have you been overseas last 2 weeks, temp checked, down a back corridor to waiting room. Everyone well distanced. My Doc joking with staff "Am I allowed in my room?" "Am I allowed out of my room?" Driving home, I followed the Google StreetView car, almost to ouyr street. What an exciting life I lead. OH is showing signs of cabin fever as he is reluctant to brave public transport & restaurants for lunch. I offered to drive him.
    Much joking here as Aussies stock up on toilet paper but the US stocks up on guns. “Are they going to shoot the virus?”