Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • WendyB: Nice your person called you. My local place closed just as I was beginning to think 'haircut." I've trimmed my fringe myself in the past; will just have to tie everything else back. A first world problem though...
  • It’s a large salon full of lovely considerate girls Annette. No boys any more as it’s not there thing anymore .
  • WENDY - "happy new haircut" - as my Dad always used to say! You don't need forgiveness. I am hoping my hairdresser will be able to visit as usual - I know it's a risk but I don't want to be trying to tear it out by the roots if it gets too long!

    ANNETTE and ALL - George replied straight away and sounds very positive. He saw his Son quite recently. He had his annual check-up with no cause for concern - says he should be good for another year. He has a neighbour whose daughter shops for him, but admits he does sometimes go himself as he feels a need to get out of the house occasionally. He was really buoyant compared with recent communication!

    Saturday is diary day when we sit down after tea to synchronise diaries and write things in - today was mostly rubbing out cancelled appointments etc! J has been studying today. OH strimmed and then mowed half the front grass. I sat out for 20 minutes but there was less sun and more wind than expected, so that was enough. Will try again tomorrow.
  • OG I can cope with life a bit better now but might need to practice with scissors :-(
    Maybe have to wait till the week after next as Sarah is off and we trust her so much. Daisy quiet today but not as lame.
  • I won't go through all your posts but will scan back and look quickly later. Suffice to say thank you for all your news.

    Managed to get up to Nottingham yesterday for BIL's funeral which was at a local Crem. Very nice service. Went to a local hotel for the wake and was put in a room where we could all space out. Quite a few had cried off because of the Coed 19. Unfortunately, just as we were leaving I clipped a kerb by the car and went right down on my cheek and caused a gash above my eye which bled profusely. The hotel staff were good and wanted to get the paramedics out but I refused as I wanted our son to get back home to his wife who had been working flat out at our local hospital. Didn't knock myself out or feel dizzy just a prize fool. Managed to get it properly dressed when we got home and am nursing a beautiful black eye with swollen cheek. LOL.

    Still haven't heard from the holiday operator but hope to in the next fortnight before we're due to go. Don't want to go and mix in a confined space and at a hotel but will wait for them to call it off!!!

    Stay safe and try not to get too bored with this confinement.
  • I know what you mean Pat O, I have two weeks of online deliveries but cannot order for Easter yet as the slots have not been opened. I did manage to get some loo rolls last week and by the time I looked later on the day I saw them on order they were gone. Luckily they were on my order.

    It is a headache this panick buying which I refuse to do. Had to go down to our chemist this morning for some steri strips and dressings for my wound and they were only letting in one at a time and you had to stand away from the counter, so we were waiting outside in the cold but at least it was dry.
  • OG - Pretty much what dau is doing now that the schools have been ordered to close except for vulnerable kids.
    Head and Deputy Head have put together a rota for all staff to go in at least one day a week on different shift patterns to cater for the vulnerable..
  • Thank you for all your news - saying pretty much what everyone is saying about shopping and helping neighbours etc.

    The good will prevail through all this just have to keep faith.

    God Bless all and have a lovely Mothers' Day even if family can't visit, they will be there in spirit.
  • Hello!! Yes, we're back....

    Have had adventures. We left on 11th March hoping to manage 3 weeks away, taking us up to 1st April but it was not to be. We had had a week of mixed weather by Wednesday but got a text from our airline Jet2 saying that our return flight was cancelled but we would get a refund. They recommended we go online to find out more... very hilarious, as we did not have WiFi in our privately rented apartment, and by then all the cafes bars & restaurants had been closed so we could not use theirs. Contacted our Eldest in UK to get some phone nos as the one we had for Jet2 Customer Services was not working --- what a surprise!
    Long story short is that we did eventually get through & managed to book for one of the last flights out. So now we're in bed, in a hotel, in......Newcastle!! (That's over 4 hours from home).
  • Welcome back Lindy. We have all been concerned about you, and following news of flights etc.
    Look forward to hearing about the adventures!