Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020

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  • LINDA definitely didn't go to Lanzarote - I think their preferred spring trip is to Fuerteventura. I also don't know which airline they use.

    I see now we are offered some clarification for the aged - not isolation (they ate worried about having a plethora of demented elderly on their hands afterwards) but we are to cut our social interactions. At least one Church of Scotland congregation here did not meet today. We at the URC did meet, and with coffee available afterwards.
  • Is that definite OG ? I did catch something on the radio but thought it was proposed for Scotland only? To reduce our interactions by 75%? Must try and find out...
  • Just spoke to UK sister and we were laughing about how the rest of the family has been concerned for some years about how she and her OH are isolated in a tiny Lincolnshire village with no services, but how everyone is now pleased for the very same reason.  I'm jealous because she's managed to get her hands on Hilary Mantel's The Mirror and the Light which, at 900 pages, is long enough to keep any 'socially distanced' person occupied for weeks!   Meanwhile, re Spain, sister says that her son (who works for Santandar Bank) is expecting visitors from the Spanish home office next week, but we're thinking that's now been squashed and my niece, who teaches at a private college, says they're now struggling to do everything online.   Here, grandson's work is drastically cut:  He works for a company that maintains fleets of tour buses so he's dealing with the prospect of minimal pay (no pay? perish the thought!) in addition to having his apartment flooded (he's back in it today).  And granddaughter is celebrating Ms. D's 9th birthday this week with just a simple cake and family rather than the typical cast-of-thousands event (their schools just closed down too).

    OG;  Had to smile at demented elderly. Hope J's headache didn't develop into full blown migraine.

    Diane:  That's my kind of Corona!  How lovely to just look up and see that. What a treat!

    Went for a nice walk this morning.  Still threatening rain, but good to smell the earth and hear the birds who seem unworried. (Wasn't it Matthew who said something about 'the birds of the air neither sow nor reap...."  I guess they're also not worried about where the next bottle of sanitizer or roll of toilet paper is coming from!)   Yesterday I connected both my current and ancient laptops to the TVs so we can watch streaming programs on bigger screens (ah, the hardship of it all).  I also signed up for a free trial month of Netflix - not because of any virus but because the summer TV program choices are so unuterrably dreary.  Other than that, life is grand.  :-)

    I'm also still wondering about Lindybird, especially as her OH was unwell when they left....  Let's hope they're soaking up the sun on a beach...

    Take care all.

  • It seems that it is just a proposal at present OG, for Scotland. No visits to the bingo hall cinemas or to bars :-) so they say. Well that won't bother me....
  • ANNETTE - The Mirror and the Light is going to be read on BBC Radio Four Monday to Friday for three weeks, starting tomorrow. It is only for 15 mins at a time, though and will probably be abridged.
  • I was at a URC church this morning and was told they are 'watching the situation' and may decide to suspend all services for the duration. Methodists are doing the same. Numbers were well down from normal. I was a bit perturbed to hear just now that the government is considering telling everyone over 70 to stay at home for FOUR MONTHS! I rather hope that's scare-mongering. I can't imagine anyone NOT being demented after that. And how about those of us living alone - how do we get food and other necessities? Pretty impossible to get a grocery delivery in less than two weeks at the moment. Oh dear …

    I will have to go shopping tomorrow, as I am only buying what I need for the next few days. Wonder if I'll find anything in the shops?!?!?
  • Heather:    Oooooh!  Thank you.  I listen to Radio Four - I see Anton Lesser is doing the reading - sounds like a perfect choice and we can imagine Mark Rylance coming and going.    Yes, only 15 minutes at a time for three weeks sounds like they'll leave out something.  I think I may re-read Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies again - I have The Mirror and the Light on reserve at the (now closed) library and at this rate, it'll be Fall before I get it!  Thanks again!

  • PatO:  We have a NextDoor neighborhood website and younger members are volunteering to go shopping, run errands, etc., for older folks who aren't venturing out.   Maybe the church has a youth group that might do the same?

  • That's a great idea, Annette. I might suggest it to the youth leaders. Practical Christianity!!
  • We met at the URC this morning, and agreed that we will keep meeting unless directed otherwise, but that everyone has individual choice within that. An advice update came through this afternoon - mostly seems to quote what other churches are doing and makes sensible suggestions, but not an actual directive. We are also asked to be neighbourly and look after our older members as far as possible, and at least stay in touch by telephone - not so easy when some are extremely deaf, would be scared by an unexpected call and have no other communication facilities such as online contact..  We also heard that Girls' Brigade has cancelled all activities until after the summer break!

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