Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 March 2020


The full moon is 9 March. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! It's warming up here! Yay! 

  • Wasn't me, Harelady, who mentioned pets buried in gardens. But never mind, I've done it too: several cats were left, buried very deep, back at our house where we lived previously for over 28 years. One in particular liked to sit in the garden under a bush, watching the world go by. She was a very pretty tabby, with lots of white on her middle. We called her Clover, as she landed in clover when she came to our house from a kitten rescue place - later, it got shortened to just "Clo". I still remember the family saying "Where is Clo?" when she disappeared to sit in my ironing basket or on a quiet bed upstairs.

    Thanks to everyone for their good wishes for our trip - we need a break, LOL! I'll try to come online on my mobile if I can find a cafe with WiFi.
  • LINDA and OH - hope I am not too late to say " safe travels (hoping your OH will be allowed through the airport) and have a great time on your holiday!"
  • Lurker alert...
    Interesting reading on a daily basis but totally lazy with posting.
    Not had a good 6 weeks as did serious damage to my back . An ongoing issue but the worst ever damage. Both to my Sciatic and Piraformis nerves. Private Physio and now nerve killing Amatriptal tablets. Only just started walking dogs.
    Had a road trip planned in 4 weeks to see both girls and a friend in Devon. But husband who works from home and rarely goes out had picked a nasty tummy bug . Brought home to me how easy bugs can be picked up. Youngest has the Covid19 in Bournemouth Uni and 3 of her Aspergers students go there. It was a 1500 3 destination trip so have decided can’t risk motorway services and one hotel so have cancelled . At 72 I would rather do this later without the stress
  • Linda and OH - hope you both have a wonderful trip and come home healthy and rested!
  • WendyB:  Geez.  Sounds like a bumpy time for your family.  I assume daughter at Uni will recover (not being in the "older with underlying conditions" group; any idea where she picked it up? . A shame you've had to cancel the trip but definitely better to postpone until all the aches, pains and virus are well in the past... Take care!

  • Tried to post, but once again the Site has been playing up.

    Sorry to hear you've been having such a bad time with your back, Wendy. Best to put those plans on hold, I guess: hope that as your daughter is young it's enough to fight this thing and only have a mild dose.

    Anyway, I'll just sign off for now, I'll try to come on the thread if I can get a signal in a cafe. Will also be looking out for the first reports of Ospreys! - not long now till they return. Take Care All.

  • Well I just tried to post , page froze, so lost it all.

    Hope all of you are keeping well. Very changeble weather at present.

    As to these bugs going around, I'm convinced its because we haven't had a decent cold spell to kill them off.

    Lindybird - 13 to a table should have been limited to 6 in a team much fairer but glad you did well. As to the hotpot, nothing more boring than one badly seasoned . Safe journey and enjoy your break.

    OG - That leg is giving you gip - do hope you feel better soon.

    Annette - its always sad when a family pet has to be put down but the memories will be with them I'm sure.
  • I think I have missed LINDA. I hope they have a great holiday. But I am worried about her OH with his coughing & sneezing. Here, anyone with respiratory symptoms is being tested for the virus. Several testing clinics have been set up in our state, including a “drive-through” where suspect does not even leave vehicle. This last week people with such symptoms coming to Aussieland from Italy, were not even allowed on the plane. From tonight all non-Aussies are banned from coming here from Italy, China, Iran & South Korea, while Aussies from those countries have to spend 14 days in another “safe” country.

    OG – Although our woollen garments are said to be machine-washable these days, I always wash by hand using a special detergent “Wool Mix”. It contains eucalyptus – I don’t rinse as the eucalyptus repels moths.

    Dau & s-i-l showed us their photos of recent trip on the TV! Just like the old-time slide shows LOL.

  • WENDY - sorry about your back being so bad this time. I hope you have rested it long enough, be gentle with yourself . Sorry that Simon is also unwell! I hope your Daughter will not pick up the Virus if her students catch it at the Uni.

    AQ - I spent years washing woollen garments by hand, but I guess OH is unlikely to be so dedicated and "old-fashioned" - I did hear him telll J that if he buys any more he will have to wash them himself. I remain gob-smacked at anyone on a low salary buying such expensive clothes!

    OH has taken my Motability car to Kingstown, Carlisle for a service - home now in a courtesy car and will fetch it back late afternoon. J's day off, and he has taken the train to Carlisle city centre - he was asked to do an after school session with a pupil yesterday afternoon, but the boy didn't turn up.

    Wet and windy here and mostly quite dark.
  • WENDY- how awful. Severe back pain impacts on every minute of life :-( It sounds as if things are getting easier x I hope that your daughter won't get the dreaded lurgy.
    We haven't heard from FORESTBOAR for a while. Hope things are manageable there.