Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 March 2020

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  • But OG surely that is because 'they' are only testing some folk who have got severe symptoms and phone NHS 24 ?
  • HEATHER - that could be the reason, but could apply to numbers reported anywhere, so all the statistics are

    Just about to put shoes on to go to the induction service.
  • Precisely, OG ! All the numbers are meaningless....
  • Lies, damn lies and statistics!
  • I'm not a panic merchant or a panic buyer but practising social distancing but not social isolation. I live alone and my children don't need any extra worries :-)

    ROSY - I'm sorry that your OH isn't as well yet as you would hope for x He's got a good nurse....

  • ANNETTE, AQ, DIANE- I do read a lot of books via Kindle but had to train myself to do it. Mostly because of going away and saving luggage space since I'm a quick reader!
  • Heather:  I'm afraid I'm still attached to print media.  :-)  But I did pick up three books from the library last week so that should tide me over for a minute or two.   Re the current situation, I have two friends who are somewhere on the panic-merchant scale and I can feel my insides getting very tense each time they call these days.  They're mostly preaching/ranting to the choir and I find it very hard to respond with anything like the same degree of outrage or anxiety they project.  It's exhausting just listening...    My only wish right now is that it stop raining so I can spend all this 'social distance' time puttering in the garden where I know I can effect some positive changes.  Though I'm still sloshing on paint samples in various rooms too....  Still, we could all be stuck in a refugee camp on the Turkish border where toilets, let alone toilet paper, would be a luxury...

    Was just reading that planes headed to the Canaries were turned back mid-flight.  Isn't that where LIndybird and OH are??

    Rosy: How is your OH coming along?  Any better?

  • ANNETTE - yes, LINDY is in the Canary Islands...
    I'm watching the weeds growing and can't wait until the temps tell me to get outside and tackle them!
  • Heather & Annette: I was thinking that we were going to have an early spring. All the trees even budded out. But, it's snowing like crazy here. A beautiful red male cardinal has been sitting outside my window and chippering at me all day.
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