Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • Thank You for starting us off again, now that it's finally March, Diane.

    What beautiful, colourful birds they are, and so dramatic against the snow.

    Sunshine here through the windows, thank goodness.
  • Thank you, DIANE.
    ROSY- Enjoy your holiday! I think that you have taken a sensible approach and have covered the bases with extra meds, etc.
    LINDY - I am pretty relaxed when it comes to packing, It's all in my head (hopefully). When I first married my late OH and we were packing for our first trip abroad, he presented me with the list that he and his late wife used. I feel rather embarrassed now when I recall my response. ' Senokot? Sticky plasters? we aren't going to the back of beyond, we are going to a place where there are loads of pharmacies!'. He took it very well....
  • OG - I have been thinking about you - I hope that your lip is less swollen.

  • DIANE - thanks for the new week and that lovely picture of the Cardinals in the snow!

    LINDA / HEATHER - I use packing lists for when we go away, even though we don't go far. There is also a "before we go" list for jobs to be done. Is it next weekend that you are going, LINDA?

    HEATHER - thanks for thinking of me - I am quite sure the lip is not a dental issue, as a different part of the other lip has swelled today - I don't think a dental problem would move around. Pain is not very much now, and swelling is much less obvious.

    Had a very bad night with leg pain, but managed church this morning. For Communion we all used the wee glasses - we normally get to chose individual glasses or common cup, but it was decided that was one way to stop the spread of Corvid 19. The visiting preacher was a young lady - not sure where she was from, but she gave us a good service for the first Sunday in Lent. Minister will return next week - seems such a short time because it was February.

    Just about to sent OH into the loft with a spare shower stool, and instructions to fetch box of temporarily stored ornaments and then return the ones which have been on the bedroom windowsill. He noticed last evening that the cleaner has damaged his beautiful Thames Barge model in the lounge - and she left it skew-whiff on its high shelf, so it could have fallen.
  • Morning all and thanks Diane for the cheery start - I tried several times to access the site last evening but just got that whirly never-loading icon.

    OG: Sounds like a traveling virus (not that one) on your lip.  Hope it will move on soon.   Did the cleaner damage J's model so it can't be fixed?

    If/when I go away I generally make lists of just the small stuff (meds/vitamins, travel-sized toiletries) that are so easy to overlook.  With clothes, I've learned that I typically tend to wear the same comfy, don't-have-to-think-about-it interchangeable tops and bottoms.  And rarely more than two pairs of shoes, one of which is always sneakers (trainers).  

    We were expecting rain later this p.m. but now it's looking iffy; however, 'they' are forecasting a 'change in pattern' for next week with several days of the wet stuff due....

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE - was OH's barge and he has mended it! I don't list clothes either for packing - it's just sets of clothes for each day and they are the same ones I wear here anyway! I hope you will get some of that rain which is promised!
  • OG - I seem to remember that your cleaner damaged a ? bird ornament a while ago?
  • ANNETTE - I couldn't access the site this morning, usually look in at about 0630 GMT but no joy today until a few hours later....
  • Hi all back in Suffolk from a lovely visit to SE London to see new Granddaughter Lilly. She already has a few names - Lilypad, Lilypoo and my favourite Lilybeth. She feeds and sleeps and cries occasionally and is generally beautiful. This morning we all went to the Lakes nearby to see the Egyptian Geese who have had Goslings and finally just as we were leaving we spotted them.  The parents were very protective so just a quick look and the moved on.

    We are trying to find a large house for a week at the end of July for a family holiday ( as this is the only week in the school holidays that my Daughter can take as the rest is in black out at her company) but it seems that so many people are staying in the UK this year that there is not much available. Last year we went to Dorset but I was hoping for somewhere nearer but we will keep looking. Of course so much could change due to the Virus.

    Hope all those under the weather recover soon and lets look forward to a much dryer week!

  • Phew! -- been trying to reply on here for a couple of hours, but my post won't post. Again.

    Had to try and get the Forum on my mobile phone (in a convoluted way) and had to sign in, too. Urgh. But here I am.

    Harelady, sounds like a lovely visit. Little Lilybeth will be much loved.