WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy New Week all.  

Back from busy day; friend's 'celebration' of her husband's life was lovely  - she's a whizz with cameras, videos, etc, etc., and compiled a lovely video program that captured his life, interests, family, etc..   Lots of people turned out for a much-loved person.   Two other friends and I were in charge of the lunch for the family after a memorial rock (from the part of the Sierras where he hiked every year for 70 straight years!!) was placed in the church's garden.  The church group took over the post-service reception food.  I'm not only tired but stuffed to the gills!

Lindybird:  Interesting that our camellias are out tool love the daffs though - that's Springtime!

Hope all who have/are getting colds, etc., recover quickly.

Have a good Sunday!

  • Lynette:  Like the idea of a dollop of double cream, but our version isn't like the UKs.

    OG: What kind of yogurt are you putting on your pancakes?

    AQ;   Hmmm.  Could it be our OH's are related?  

    bjane: I'm sure I've never had fresh maple syrup.  :-(

    Ghastly business in Idlib in Syria.....we are so lucky to be living in (relatively) civilized countries....

  • bjane: Nice to see you!!! I do hope you can go to the maple syrup event near you. Enjoy a big plate of pancakes, sausage, and syrup. You're probably glad that spring is coming. I know I am.

    All: Here's a PHOTO of our snowstorm today. Bison have been reintroduced on the prairie in northern Indiana. It was a hard day today for this big fella.

  • Diane:  Just saw that some 60 million bison used to roam between Canada and Mexico..... Those imported to Indiana seem to be doing well.  :-) 

  • Annette: Thanks! That Kankakee Sands herd has thrived. The Nature Conservancy has done a good job both maintaining the natural prairie and introducing the bison. That area of the northern Indiana prairie is only about an hour from Lafayette, where I grew up. I keep thinking that I'll take a trip up there to see them, but I don't know if there would be a lot of traffic. I adore bison!

  • Good Morning. Cold here, with snow possible, we're told.

    There seems to be a lot of confusion and panic about the Virus in various countries: we had news that there were further cases in the Canary Islands, but then conflicting reports about which island it's on!!

    We feel that it's been silly to close whole schools just because some pupils have been to Italy: why not just keep those pupiIs at home? - and how long will they close the schools for? - 3 weeks at least would be the need, if there were possible cases of illness. Bah!

    Diane, I love bison, too. Magnificent beasts! Thanks for the snowy photo.
  • Diane - That's a great picture of the bison in the snow. I felt so sorry for him … but I'm sure they are built to cope with such situations. Hope you manage to get to see the herd. That would be special.

    Lindy - I think we are all concerned and confused about coronavirus. It's a fine line between over-reacting and under-reacting. I wouldn't pretend to know the rights and wrongs, but it seems as though nobody else does either. I feel quite sorry for the WHO, who want to give the best advice but obviously don't want to start a panic. There still seems to be a lot of confusion about how it's being passed from person to person, which I find the most worrying aspect.
  • BJANE – can I come for breakfast to try the fresh Maple Syrup? Most of what comes here is from Canada.

    LYNETTE – glad you had your pancakes in the end. When do you go to Nottingham again – is it next week? Travel safely.

    AQ – sorry your OH is suffering from dizziness – I hope it will settle for him – and for you to get back on the garage sorting!

    ANNETTE – what is known here as “Greek-style” yoghourt – can’t begin to like the skinny wet ones!

    DIANE – oh, that Bison, poor dear – could feel that snow stinging his face.

    LINDA – “they” say snow showers possible here later, but I think it will mis us again, even though it will be nearby. Currently sunshine and cleaner remarked on lack of wind on her way here.

    PAT – I agree about coronavirus and still wonder how much of the information is true or false reporting. I told J it is no good worrying – if it happens, then it happens – and I am the most vulnerable of the three of us, having impaired immunity.

    So, today is cleaning day, then our showers in the clean bathrooms – nothing else planned – could go to a fellowship meeting tomorrow, but that depends on weather as usual. Take care, everyone.
  • AQ and ALL - just seen there has been snow in Tas hills!
  • Hello all
    Cold here today but early snow has melted. There have been a couple of snow falls but nothing significant.
    I enjoyed time in Elgin yesterday with eldest and youngest daughter. We browsed the shops and all three of us bought stuff from TKMaxx. I spotted two Portmerion dinner plates for £2.50 each so snapped them up. Some of my older ones have faded somewhat over the years. We enjoyed lunch at Toscana and then drove the new car home.
  • A brief flurry of snow here, which chose to arrive just as I was driving and then getting out of the car. It then stopped - of course! That fell on very wet ground after a couple of hours of rain. Now the sun's shining … whatever next, I wonder?