Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 January 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Diane:  Thank you for the SpaceX headsup.  I"m usually awake at that time, so will make a note.

  • Halloo...

    I overslept, then began writing on here whilst still in bed with my cuppa. After several paragraphs, I tried to post, but to no avail, as my tablet had once again decided not to talk to the WiFi. Argh.

    Now after some porridge, I'm on the desktop and rewriting:

    Diane, we need to work out how to slow the space/time continuum! On the other hand, it'll soon be the end of January, and that will be a relief, as its the worst month, here. (not snow yet, but still chance of it right up until April)

    I still have about four old LPs which are things we love, and even though we gave away the player, I can't bear to lose them. I had several dozen LPs up to a few years ago, when I sold the whole lot plus some EPs and singles, to a collector for just a few pounds, some of them were original Beatles ones with my own scribbled notes on the sleeves - "Fab!" and "Wild"

  • We hate the ads on the TV programmes, and often watch things we really enjoy by recording them first, then whizzing through the annoying bits. My OH likes old films, not the car chase and Bang! variety, but more the black & white John Wayne in A Big Hat kind, or the really ancient Sherlock Holmes ones. I go and cook in the kitchen then, or get myself immersed in my desktop!

    The new ottoman soon swallowed up lots of sheets and duvet covers, and looks neat (its grey fabric). But I still have bedding such as extra blankets, left over.......

    Edit:  We have drawers under the beds, but his side is full of his sweaters and mine full of stuff I take on holiday, plus lots of nighties.  I read somewhere that bedrooms should look calm and ordered --- ours looks like an explosion in a clothes factory, with quite a few shoes thrown in, of course...  :-)

  • Quiet on here today. We had a sunny morning, but now it's clouded over.

    Have ordered a new DVD player, and it's going to be delivered tomorrow. My OH has promised to be at home if it doesn't arrive until the afternoon, as I'm going to see "David Copperfield" with Sue. Will let you know what we think of it!
  • As someone who has not been to the cinema in a very long time, I do enjoy reading the entries from our resident film critics. Then I know what to watch when it comes on television!
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird:  My OH likes some Bang!/car chase and 'Go ahead. Make my day' (Clint Eastwood) movies plus MASH reruns interspersed with Great Courses lectures (on DVD) on philosophy, religion, historyetc.  I watch Frontline and Nova (in depth "issues"/science) plus nature programs interspersed with true crime (yes, I know, ghastly) for light relief and most UK programs because it's like a free trip home.  I bet that collector was happy with his purchase.   I just watched the trailer for David Copperfield - it looks promising.

  • I've just remembered that there is a pile of LPs in a cupboard here, plus a load of cassette tapes. I must ask my stepson what to do. I never get rid of anything that belonged to his late parents - feel it isn't my place to do so.
    Quite cold here today -
  • Annette - We both watch the MASH reruns, often! And we've seen all of Frasier so many times that we know what they're going to say!

    Heather -- That's a difficult one I can see. You're doing the right thing by asking the family - maybe they would like them.

    Pat - my OH doesn't go to the cinema much - the last time was to see the Laurel & Hardy tribute, and before that he hadn't been for about 12 years! I tell him which ones he will enjoy when they come onto the TV - and I get it pretty much right! We saw an ad for the release of the Downton Abbey DVD last night, so I told him that he'd enjoy it, when it reaches the TV, but we'd never want the DVD as you only need to see it once!

    Edit:  I'm not bossy, honest! I just know him well as we've known each other for nearly 50 years!!!!!

  • Lindybird:  I have a confession to make  I've watched reruns of Downton Abbey several times on our PBS station - it's a  powerful and enduring antidote to Donald Trump's crudeness.  We know Maggie Smith's lines by heart. We also like Frasier - the dialogue between Martin, Frasier and Niles is priceless.  :-)   Is it me or are there fewer truly witty TV writers around?  It's all so in-your-face these days.  Thanks for reminding  me about the Laurel & Hardy movie..

  • One of my favourite films to rewatch is Gosford Park - also with Maggie Smith and a fantastic cast. I also love to P D James Adam Dalgleish  televised with Martin Shaw - all excellent.

    I too have a collection of LPs but I do still have a turntable connected to my DAB Roberts Radio/cd player that I can play.

    My wedding present from my husband in 1973 was every Beatles LP - uk & export and I still have them all - but not the husband who wasn't worth keeping Slight smile but I did get 3 wonderful children from the liason.