Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 January 2020


The New Moon, the Dark Moon, is 24 January. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • I have just been to see Little Women. I confess I did not like it very much - Too much flitting about.

    OG : What a marathon post! You never forget anything. Glad that there is some progress with J's eyes.
  • PAT - Once upon a time I was organising a series of busy-bees. After the first two, with volunteer numbers down, I put a (provocative) notice up that further group days were cancelled, but volunteers could choose their own time to do the work. That sure got attention! Most stopped reading after the word cancelled and then complained bitterly. In the end the work was completed very well by the faithful few; it just took longer.

    Having finished my ꭓmas library borrowings and well into Dau’s gift of latest Sara Donati, I visited a seaside library for my next “fix”. I operate on Dewey system but this library has a strange system. Any non-fiction books about historical figures are placed in the Biography section. For example HenryVIII under H, his wives under C or B or K. Another example, I expect OM and other presidents under American history not T or K or whatever.

    Another cool day. So good for the Tour DownUnder which has had 2 stages through the Cudlee Cteek fire area. I can’t imagine what would have happened if we’d had the hot weather & fires this week.

  • Evening all:  Have read all the news but too cross-eyed to reply.

    AQ; That is an interesting catalog system at that library.  Have never heard of Sara Donati.  I have five books bedside (it's feast or famine!) plus two videos from the library:  One Upon a Time in Hollywood (the recent Quentin Tarantino movie) and Maiden (the story of the all-women crew that sailed their own vessel in the Whitbread Round the World Race back in 1989). I keep wondering why it took so long for them to come up with the movie (a documentary) which I hear has footage from the voyage.  

    Off to bed.  Take care everyone..  

  • AQ Many congrats on the marathon stint of Nanny help - I'm sure your Daughter appreciates how much you have helped her and the Girls will have benefited so much as well.

    I have been doing a bit myself this week as got a call on Sunday from Daughter in Silverstone asking me to drive there and stay over to look after Luna who was poorly as neither her nor her Partner could take anytime off work for various reasons. Sadly Luna was getting worse so I called work and explained that I would have to take emergency holiday as I would be staying another day. My Daughter took her to the doctors as she was refusing all food and drink and just wanted to sleep all the time and got very upset when we tried to get her to drink anything.

    2 Docs looked at her and said it was just a virus but by Tuesday afternoon she was a lot worse so back to the surgery and asked to see a different doctor who said she had a badly infected throat and both ears were very red and inflamed - so she came back with the good old amoxycillin - the same AB that I used to be given for my kids 30 odd years ago! Surely there must be some new and better ABs now?

    Anyway I ended up staying until yesterday am and drove back - 4 hours in heavy traffic and went straight to work. Happily when I checked in last night with my Daughter, Luna was starting to improve. I am so tired I intend to do nothing this weekend apart from Hairdressers tomorrow am and then food shopping.

    Glad to hear everyone's news I do enjoy reading the posts and imaging the parts of the world where we are all scattered.

    Have a good weekend all.

  • Good Morning. Posting on my phone, as not able to get my tablet to go online, for some reason.
    Rosy, glad that I (& my sis in law) are not alone in finding Little Women disappointing.
    AQ -- I suppose that these libraries are trying to have sensible indexing systems, but often it's a case of "If it ain't broke...."
    Not feeling great, so have cancelled going out today and will have to have another day just getting small things done.
  • Hey, folks.

    I'm taking a short break from working, so I don't have time for replies at this moment. However, I wanted to pop in here and tell you all to be extremely careful as this new coronavirus continues to spread from China to other countries. (AQ, especially, be alert and wary.) 

    I have a bad feeling about this particular virus. This is a novel type of coronavirus that's never been seen before. The bottom line is that scientists aren't sure how it developed, how it's capable of mutating, or how it will spread.

    The most recent and advanced research that I've seen indicates:

    (1) The new virus is a re-combination of two coronaviruses. One came from bats, and the origin of the other one is unclear. 

    (2) Gene sequencing suggests that bats may have been the original host. Then, the virus jumped from bats to snakes. Then, it jumped from snakes to humans! Now, it's being transmitted from human to human.

    (3) Scientists are arguing about whether a coronavirus can even infect a snake (rather than the usual birds and mammals). It's also unclear how the virus could adapt to live in both cold-blooded and warm-blooded hosts (snakes and humans).

    (4) Among several other species, snakes were sold in the market in China where the new virus is said to have begun. Snakes eat bats. So it's possible that the virus jumped from bats to snakes to humans in that market at the beginning of this outbreak. However, scientists can't do the necessary research to find out, because the market has been shutdown and disinfected.

    So, this virus is controversial and no one really knows what will happen.

    Here are some links with info, but WARNING: SNAKE PHOTOS ARE ON THE PAGES. I know some of you are phobic about them. Take care, all!

    CDC (US Federal Government)


    Scientific American

    Journal of Medical Virology

  • Thank you, DIANE. I will look at the links shortly.
    I can't understand why the WHO are dragging their heels on this one.
    HARELADY - I'm not at all surprised that you are tired. I get a lot more stressed looking after the grandchildren than I ever did as a parent. Of course I'm a lot older now.... There must have been a good reason why Lunas parents couldn't take carers leave but it is good that you were able to step in.
    LINDY- sorry that you are still not feeling good. Good idea to do a bit then rest a bit.
    Regarding cutlery - I bought loads of good quality stainless steel cutlery when I came here. I simply could not face cleaning the old stuff!
    This tablet is misbehaving so I'll finish for the time being.
  • Heather: I agree. I don't understand it, either.

    The Guardian website just announced (about 5 minutes ago) that there are possible cases being tested in Scotland and Belfast.

    OG: Be careful.
  • Diane, quite a few people have been tested in this country, apparently, but up to now the tests have all been negative, thank goodness. I know its very worrying when with modern transport, these things can soon spread around the world fast, but it sounds as if all the authorities here are onto it and putting things in place already.

    Strange day here: no wind at all but when you go outside (just fed the birds) there is a kind of misty rain falling which makes everything wet. The small trees in the garden look quite festive with tiny droplets hanging on them, all over.

    My OH came home all excited: whilst he was at the allotment, cleaning the greenhouse out, he saw a farmer coming to deliver a whole pile of "muck" as he calls it, to one of his neighbours. He asked the man to bring him a load, too, so I had to find some cash, quick, to pay him with! It will be good for the vegetables!

  • Breaking news just announced that a 2nd coronavirus case has been confirmed in the U.S.--in Chicago, just 3 hours or so from me.