Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 January 2020

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon! 

The Full Wolf Moon occurs on 10 January (Friday). 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread where Lindy posted some adorable grandchildren pics!!!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Yes, OG- quite wild here at times. I was outside breaking up cardboard for the recycling bin when a big gust of wind caught the roof of the sitooterie and lifted it slightly.
    LINDY- I hope that you feel better and that nothing is lurking.
    Today is the first day that I have felt more energetic! Three days to recover from the family visit. Ridiculous. I gave myself a talking to. My OH was running around like a child when was ten years older than I am now.

  • All safe home. Battened down the hatches. Dinner is cooking.

    Optician gave J the evidence he needs for his pre-op tomorrow. He seems to have had two good days in school without pupils - they will return tomorrow and he will be back to do the afternoon.

    Three days to recover from family doesn't sound excessive, HEATHER - took me that long to recover from the one day visit - and they were all adults!
  • I have just written a post, then found I was not signed it.
    The quick version is that I am the same as you Heather. I am still recovering from the various comings and goings here.
    It takes longer than it used to in my younger days.
  • Heather, it's very tiring on several fronts, having guests. I was completely whacked when we got back from 2 1/2 days staying with our Eldest and family before Christmas -- and then, we were the guests, not the hosts!!

    End of a drama, now, here: at Christmas, we found that our double glazed back door wasn't locking properly. My OH had a look at it, and fiddled with it for ages. Eventually, he admitted that he'd now got the key stuck in the lock -- and the door was in the unlocked position!! As it was Christmas, several of the locksmiths we contacted were shut for the holiday, and one never even replied to our enquiry. When we finally got someone to come out, it was several days later. He made the door lock again but we had to come and go through the garage door instead. Before he arrived to save the day, we shut the door by putting a spade against it!

    Today at last he arrived with the required parts, and refitted a new locking mechanism. Phew!! I didn't mention on here what had been going on just in case anyone reading worked out where we were.
  • Hi Lindy - it was the film they went to see. She said it was OK. You just have to treat it as a musical film. Have recorded the original stage show to watch some time as it was on Sky Arts recently.

    Weather here is not too bad. Getting windy and no doubt we will get the rain from up North soon.. As I write, the water seems to be off so not sure what is going on. Hopefully a little later it will return, who knows?

    OG - glad to see that J is back after Christmas recess, Sue, too, went back on Monday straight into thing.s Hope your hop doesn't play up too much.

    AQ - heard about the anmila loss, they reckon at least a million in wild life have perished. Let's hope there are enough koalas left on KI to survive these terrible fires. Keep safe.
  • We have been lucky this year. No visitors as son and wife were down in Bristol at her dau's. We had CD and BD on our own but went up to Manchester on the Friday to visit brother and partner. Although there was a lot of traffic going up we had a lovely aft/evening at the family home now that it is fully renovated. Trouble free journey home and made it for about 10pm.

    Went to our first Women's meeting of the year. Speaker was very good, full of humour, lifted our spirits.
  • Clear skies as the dawn comes up here, today.

    Good Morning. Lynette, I was glad to hear that your family home had finally had the renovations completed.

    My OH had a bad night, coughing & etc. Kept me awake for some of the time. I still just feel as if somethings in my head, so am awaiting developments. The weird thing I had over Christmas kept me below par so I suppose I've just gone on now, to catch something else. We've been lucky not to get any of the things we heard others complain of in recent weeks.

    Am busy emptying some of the teak units we have attached to the wall in the dining room, as the replacement large dresser is going to be delivered next week. Don't think there will be room to display as many of the large photos we have of the family as we have at present, and no idea what I'm going to do with them!
  • LINDA - sorry about the lock crisis - and the time it took to get fixed! Sorry you are still not feeling quite right, and that your OH is coughing etc.

    LYNETTE - pleased you had a chance to enjoy seeing the old place with its renovations.

    Men have set off to Dumfries for J's pre-op for the eye surgery - maybe he'll be given a date while he is there. They said he should bring his whole medical history, so he has gone with all his files in a huge sports bag - ridiculous!

    My task this morning is to sort out "a chrysanthemum" which I think will turn out to be a few stems stuck into a pot of compost - guess they could be viable cuttings, and they were colourful through the festive season.
  • LINDA - meant to say - we don't display family photos, except as a slide show on my computer which is also accessed from the TV. We did receive the annual calendar from Grandson#1 with photos of the two little people, so that hangs in the study.