'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Boreal Ontario

    I've collected up several days Hushed

    On the 21st the Ruffed Grouse (all the same one or different individuals I cannot tell, maybe better observers can?) - the Pine Grosbeaks got quite annoyed, but during the uncut footage I could see that some were more accommodating.

    Then, the next morning, ta-dahhh TrumpetTrumpet Trumpet

  • Unknown said:
    Doesn't Daisy ever learn ! how many times in a row sigh

    I think this is the second season, CIRRUS.  But I too wish she would learn that this isn't a good nest site :(((

    Unknown said:
    Robin is still there,

    It's not the right one, Cirrus - there was a lovely plump one at the very top when I first copied it.

    However, I'm very glad you enjoyed the birdies Dove

  • scylla said:

    And here's a wonderful video of Ruffed Grouses "drumming":

  • scylla said:
    Ruffed Grouses "drumming":

    That video was mesmerizing and amazing. I wish I could do that...

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Unknown said:
    I wish I could do that

    According to my friend (to whom I had sent the vid cos I thought it was so good and I've been battering him with Ruffed Grouse news) you just have to open your blazer (that's a jacket that we wore to school in my young days, tho not exclusive to youngsters) leaving the lower button/s done up, and pull it back over your shoulders, thus pinning the tops of your arms, then waggle your lower arms.

    As for the sound - I'm sure there must be some thudding/clacking item you could tuck under your arms that would do the trick, if you had the right muscle fibres like sprinters do.

    All that means is that I've had a very hard night and am off my rocker.

    PS - Can anyone ID the bird loudly calling later in the video?  It's so familiar but I can't think what it is !!! Thinking

  • scylla said:
    PS - Can anyone ID the bird loudly calling later in the video?  It's so familiar but I can't think what it is !!!

    American Crow possibly.

    Fab video



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:
    American Crow possibly.

    I looked up "corvid calls" but couldn't make any fit - however, American Crow wasn't in the list!  Thank you, TeeJay :)))

    A nearly black (I brightened it slightely) Northern Cardinal in Ohio.  Well, it was very early morning, maybe the light (lack of) is to blame:

    I think this was an American Crow - a greedy one:

  • Ruffled Grouse vid , definitely one for Zilpha, What wonderful stuff. Thanks Scylla

    Noticed this Grey Heron last night, just as I was packing up - unfortunately the YT stream was rolled back over 5 hours so I had to screen-capture it on "this" laptop, it took hours and nearly finished me off - as has the editing this morning but I'm still here Upside down


    I think this must be a Downy Woodpecker as the beak isn't long enough for Hairy - but we'll see if anyone judges differently:


    I haven't seen any injured Mourning Doves this season - maybe there was an individual or group of louts practising their cruelty skills last season and, hopefully, they got caught:

  • Lovely watercolour of the heron Scylla and very 'in focus' video of same. Enjoyed that. - loved its wing stretch and little feather at the end of its beak :) . Well, downy or hairy , quite frankly it looks like the great spotted that visits my garden twice a day (breaker and supper) and very nice he is too. M,mmm- don't see any red (orange)on its belly - should be red headed, ah well.

    Super that you should bother for us Scylla, thank you dear and have a great rest of the day