'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Thank you for feedback on the woodpecker :)  I shall specially monitor it now, as I've had the impression that every one of them at the Czech feeder has the "moustache".

    EDIT - I wonder if anyone knows approx how many individual GSWs are likely to frequent this feeder?

  • trevor l said:
    It Looks like a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker ? if it was in the UK  Downy Woodpecker

    Yes, it's a Downy. The markings are quite similar to the Hairy so it's mainly the physical differences that distinguish them. Never seen either in real life so just try to learn them from the various webcams.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • The Smaller beak is the giveaway slight red spot at back of the head not visible on that one
    With best regard to everyone and Happy New Year
  • Czech mates. They came within a minute or so of tray replenishment.

    (c) https://www.makov.cz

  • Czech pond

    This was all we could see of the resident rat-catcher, it had approached from the far buildings:

    All the woodpeckers seen up to 11:50 GMT have been moustachioed except this one:

    Mini-vid - one of the disabled residents:

    I'm not trying to show off my tech knowledge - not possible because it doesn't exist, I just muddle along - but it seems that these streams have quite low frame or bit rates and it's very easy to miss whole critters/events when FF-ing thru. 

  • scylla said:
    All the woodpeckers seen up to 11:50 GMT have been moustachioed except this one:

    That's because it's a different species of woodpecker. Do you want me to tell you what it is or do you want to research it for yourself? Nice capture.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:

    scylla said:
    All the woodpeckers seen up to 11:50 GMT have been moustachioed except this one:

    That's because it's a different species of woodpecker. Do you want me to tell you what it is or do you want to research it for yourself? Nice capture.

    I wondered if it could be a male Syrian, TeeJay?

    EDIT - Nope - too much black-and-white patterning on the lower back... How about Middle Spotted?  I don't think it's Lesser because it has a pinky vent.

    I won't go on floundering ;)

    Yes I will.  My verdict is:

    Middle Spotted

  • Well done, Scyllla, you got there. It's a Middle Spotted Woodpecker. I think it's a male but tricky to tell from the female as they are quite similar.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I didn't refresh and see your reply before entering my firm verdict, TeeJay. Honest!

    I had found a site with better pics. Nevertheless am chuffed :))) Thank you!
  • Well I am very much enjoying the woodpecker chat thank you. I had no idea there were so many world-wide. Over 200 species according to the RSPB. And a measly 3 in the UK.