'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Oh wow! That is amazing news about Harriet and M15! A miracle for sure!

    Also the little eaglets are so sweet. Is that a small shark in the nest?  Or maybe a catfish?  
    Edit:  that was quite some bashing NE22 gave NE23.  And I thought Osprey siblings were “meanies”!

    Thanks for the good news all round.

  • What super photos, captures and vids of life outside the UK.  It appears that all is well overnight in Florida

    It's just after 06.00hrs, there must be light appearing somewhere as I think I can hear sounds of life!  Camperson is up early too, the view now includes more of the branches to the right of my pic.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • It is beginning to get light.  I can see a row of lights at the top of the pic (which may not be visit in the posted pic), and have just spotted what I assume is the male, on the righthand branches.  I wondered what the strange noises were when mum wasn't moving - it could be the male or possibly other birds waking up!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Interesting. There was a very loud 'screech' and the female looked up, while the male gave a much more gentle noise. Are there usually other birds near the nest? Or possibly something very close to the mike. It's definitely wake-up time!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I've been wondering what to do with this thread when the LG webcams get switched back on. I don't think there are separate threads for any of the bald eagles, nor the NZ albatross. I guess given this is the LG osprey main thread, perhaps new separate threads outwith this one should be created for 'bald eagles' and 'albatross', in the same way there's threads for eg Cornish Barn Owls. I don't understand the thread architecture....
    What do you think folks?
  • I think if there are two separate wild animal threads on the LG osprey thread it might get confusing as there are other Wild Life threads on the main RSPB threads. It is certainly interesting to follow a few of these webcams particularly the Bald Eagle and the Albatross, so why not alter the main title a little and keep it here?
    Having said that I suspect that many of us will have other more pressing osprey nests to keep an eye on and to report on once the seasons starts. At the moment who knows when the LG cam will become live, and what will happen to the RW data!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi Sheila, thanks for the early morning updates. Depending on the screech, two possible explanations come to mind: hundreds of migratory birds are heading up through Florida so maybe one roosted overnight near this nest. (Possibly a short distance one like red winged blackbirds who overwinter in Florida); or could be a year round resident who has a nest with eggs or young ‘uns close to the eagles’ nest. Again, am thinking of RWBB. Similar situation last year with the Barnegat Osprey nest here in New Jersey. RWBB had nest close to the ospreys and their distinctive screeching was never ending. Lots of dive bombing the poor ospreys. Anyway, I’m just theorizing!
  • I like Sheila’s idea. Keep this same thread and tweak the title. Also, as many of you might know, a number of us non FB Loch Arkaig fans have been posting/chatting about similar subjects (sometimes the same subjects!) on the great chat site that Adam Tinworth kindly set up.

  • With regard to "what to do with this thread"...

    I've got laptops in dire need of repair.

    I shall shortly retire from Bald Eagles, but when Harriet's egg/s is/are close to hatching, all being well, I will probably not be able to resist covering them.  I would like to keep the Sydney Sea Eagles downloading, in view of the difficulties down under, just to note when they appear.

    Starr Ranch Barn Owls and Trail cams are all-year-round for me, but their (Flash) cams are very easy to deal with - however they won't be quite so easy when they are transferred to YouTube.

    When the LG feeder comes back on, I'll hopefully be downloading that and hopefully scanning thru and snapping periodically. If you are going to make a "miscellaneous" thread within LG forums, maybe LG and any other feeders should be included ???

    Whatever happens to this thread, I shan't be contributing nearly as much.

    The above are thoughts from a tired, muddled mind.


    I need help with this one, from anyone including TEEJAY - the best I can do is Grey Goshawk.  No-one was on duty to zoom, especially from the Twitch cam.

    Probably useless snap:

    Not long after, fortunately, came a Noisy Miner:

  • Oh my!  Time-lapse of Altera the Oklahoma City Great Horned Owl in her window box when it snowed: