Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 December 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Good Morning. I agree about the politics in most parts of the world becoming just a popularity contest: worrying, as it should be more about actions than words, and certainly not about a person's appearance, either.

    It's just been mentioned on the TV about the Shortest Day - as long as the days get longer, and the world keeps turning properly, I don't mind! ;-)

    Enjoyed our evening out: some very kind ladies drew me in by chatting to me as they knew I don't know many people, although some of the wives of members knew each other socially (it was an evening for the Veteran Players Association). The meal, however, was decidedly strange - most people there had opted for a turkey dinner but I had the salmon option. This arrived after my melon starter, with a nice slice of salmon covered in herbed crumbs, but with a big dollop of tomato sauce on the side, roast potatoes, and Brussels sprouts with a big parsnip!!! Rather a weird combination!
  • I had noticed shortest day is 22nd, mainly because 21st was my Dad's birthday and he always said his birthday was shorter than anyone else's! I may have told you that before, sorry!

    Pleased those ladies were friendly, LINDA, but, yes, your meal does seem rather strange - seems they only changed the turkey for salmon without any thought for accompaniments to make it a Salmon meal..

    To Dumfries this morning - shop and have a simple lunch, then call at ice cream farm on the way home - they are opening for just four days now in their closed season, and will then stay closed until spring. J's department is having a party for the kids at lunchtime - a bit worried that they will suddenly have more pupils than on their books! He will also go for drinks with other staff after work, then home for two weeks. Decorations up tomorrow.
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird:  Tomato sauce with salmon?  And parsnips? Agree with OG that they apparently didn't plan for deviations from the turkey.  But no cranberry sauce either.  At least you got to chat with some new people.

    Diane:  Re the debate, I thought it was interesting that Judy Woodruff (I think) did ask the panel how realistic their favorite proposals were.  As usual, a couple of them managed to twist several of their answers to get back to their favorite topic.    I watched it on PBS and CNN and hadn't noticed, until one of the CNN commentators pointed it out, that in response to the final question re "gift or forgiveness," the men opted for gifts and the two women opted for forgiveness....   And so it goes.   I guess I'll be manning phone banks come next year.  Hope your tooth holds out until driving weather improves.

    OG:  Assume  you'll be supervising the decorations?  How nice that the ice cream place opens up for Christmas. Do they make special flavors?   Good that J is participating in his school's festivities; hope not too many 'new' pupils show up.

    Off to check on the world and make sure it doesn't tilt too far...

  • Bought ice cream to bring home - didn't even stop for a milkshake. Their new offering is for dogs - safe no sugar etc concoction with beef gravy!

    Morrisons was quite busy - especially one end - brought home what meat-loving nation the Scots are! We got good vegetables and general requirements - hadn't gone for Christmas specials today. Did get some lovely looking Raspberries which we shall enjoy this weekend.
  • Just popping in to say that sis in law Sue and I have been to the cinema this afternoon to see the newly released "Cats' -- we were unsure, as although we love the songs, there have been some hard words from the critics. But what a triumph! -- as I was transfixed and charmed from the beginning, and we both felt it would be well received by the public, even though some didn't seem to rate it at all.
  • OG:  Raspberries in winter.  Where from?  Yum anyway.   Ice cream with gravy?  Um.....

    Lindybird: There's something about the Cats costumes that freaks me out - the stuff of nightmares!  It looks a bit creepy.  Love the music though.  Eons ago I read a short story by Daphne du Maurier  - actually a kind of horror story - called The Blue Lenses and I think that's what started my aversion to human/beast combos.  Also saw an eel in an aquarium some years back that had the face of an old man.  Arghhh!  Run away time.  (Don't like centaurs either.)    :-)    I want to see "Knives Out," which is supposed to be very entertaining.  Also "The Irishman," but it's more than 3 hours long and OH wants to wait for the DVD (we don't subscribe to all those channels).

  • LINDA - pleased you and "Sue" enjoyed Cats - I have seen a few adverse reviews, so understand your doubts - glad it turned out well for you.

    ANNETTE - raspberries were imported from Morocco - I know I shouldn't condone air freight, but they did look so good! Agree about conger eels when they peer out of their hiding place with those old man faces!

    J is very tired this evening - apparently partying with kids is harder than teaching them! I think he is experiencing "end of term slump"!
  • Funnily enough, Annette, Sue was saying just the same today, as she wanted to see "Knives Out." Now she's looking out for it on Netflix.

    I suppose that because I've always adored cats and found them to be charming and fascinating, having people imitate them in a rather clever way was not a problem for me. I do understand that a lot of people just don't like them, though, as some folks also don't care for dogs, so there will be those who don't want to see the film. Those who've seen the stage show will love the film, though, I'm sure.

    Edit:   Stopped writing, there, as I had cramp in my leg. Urgh.

    Went to visit a neighbour this morning who lives alone. She's elderly and rattling around in a house which seems much too big. "I've lived here for over 60 years" she said. "I suppose I should move to a flat or something, but I can't leave here after all this time." She will at least be spending Christmas Day with her sister. 

  • I would like to see both Knives Out and The Irishman. Jimmy Hoffa was born and raised in a small, poor Indiana town not very far from me, just a few miles down the road.

  • The cramp in my legs returned later. I had it in the cinema but tried hard to ignore it, & eventually it faded away. There seems to be no pattern to it.

    Our tree is up but still unadorned: I will make a huge effort to decorate it tomorrow, but we have lots to do including yet more shopping in the morning and another set of neighbours to call on.