I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
OG: I left a couple of posts for you on the old thread.
Morning all:
Lynette: Friend just had cataract surgery (also told 'no bending down for a few days') and was thrilled with a more colorful world.
OG: Geez, a busy and somewhat frustrating week by the sounds of it. Do let us know how the guys get on. Will J's cold interfere with the surgery at all? Hope not.
AQ: I too was curious about the pool-before-house plan. Does the family have kiddies and will you be subjected to shrieks from pool visitors on summer days?
Daughter here so busy visiting and catching up with things. Was supposed to cool down today but no, now it's Saturday - or so they say.
LINDA & OG – I rarely drive down the street behind us, so I shall be nosy and drive past the vacant block next outing.
Cool change overnight, 19 & expecting showers.
Mini travel saga of last weekend, coffee stop at Tailem Bend, lunch at Bordertown with some gift shop purchases for Little People’s Xmas (cattie, doggie & fishie on keyrings). Brief stop in Frances, a dying town, I captured 2 churches now private, 3rd church demolished. Across the border to Victoria, raining on and off. Rain came down in Goroke as I blew down Church St (2 churches still in use, 3rd sold, 4th demolished), umbrella blew inside out making photos difficult. Next stop Edenhope, somewhat larger town but very quiet (everyone at cricket??), on to Apsley, more rain, 2 more former churches. Back to Naracoorte to motel for dinner & bed.
Sunday morn visit to world heritage listed Naracoorte fossil caves (discovered 1969). I gave it a miss as I feared too much walking involved. Instead I had a lovely quiet time in visitor centre and cafe. I went through a re-creation of the landscape with megafauna growling, heads moving. Although I knew it was not real, it was quite scary! I came around a corner to see a huge snake and it moved too - a 6 metre wonambi reconstructed. Some 20 major fossil deposits found in the cave system, with 110 different species of animals identified, 25 extinct. After lunch in Naracoorte, long drive home.
Town sign features a metal recreation of fossil found in caves, marsupial lion.
Diprotodon recreated outside visitor centre.