I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
OG: I left a couple of posts for you on the old thread.
ANNETTE – Every few days someone here manages to drive into shop; mostly elderlies and sometimes described as a “medical episode”.
Who turned up the heat? Temp has been gradually rising and today we are expecting 37 C and windy. Fire bans across most of state. Fires interstate still worrying – warnings across TV screen to “leave now” for one town in NSW yesterday.
Action on vacant block behind us. OH took step stool out to peek over fence (tut tut, I was not home) and discovered a swimming pool installed. Of course, pool first, worry about roof over head second! The pool is furthest from our fence. We still don’t know if single or two storey; more importantly, whether windows overlooking our backyard.
Nanny duty was relatively easy so why is my back so painful this morn. One of the twins’ books I read was about the internet being like a puddle. Sometime one can get in too deep and need a safe adult to help. Interesting way to explain danger to little people. I mentioned that when I was a little girl, there was no internet . . . or computers or TV or SKYPE or mobile phones. If only I could show you MissJ’s stunned face. Dau came racing in to see. LOL
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Good Morning. Misty and grey here today. I'm off for my haircut, before it trips me up again. Annette, goodness, that man could have killed someone. It seems to happen here in the UK now & then, and it's usually an automatic gearbox and an elderly person who's put their foot on the wrong pedal. Not long ago a woman drove off a jetty somewhere, into the sea!
AQ - Priorities, eh! Swimming pool first. How big is it?