I hope everyone has a great week and a beautiful autumn! The equinox is Monday (the 23rd). AQ: Have a wonderful spring equinox. I know you celebrate the first day of spring on September 1. Have a great season!
Evening all: Off in the morning but will keep up with things here as I'll be taking the laptop as usual.
OG: Hope that injection helped; that couldn't have been pleasant!
AQ: What holidays are these for Miss 7? Miss D. is big on geology; do hope all their enthusiasm lasts through high school!
Lindybird: Your OH is amazing!
Take care all.
Not got time to comment, except I'm so pleased to hear that things have gone well for you, OG. Enjoy your meal out with family. My OH is busily trying to complete the painting, even though really he should be leaving some of it for another day. But he won't be told, so no point in my saying anything. We rushed out after our lunch to get our 'flu jabs, as they were offering a day of trying to get a hold of most of us and doing us en masse at a local sports hall. Pat, I'm a little puzzled as the only Ullswater I know is in Cumbria......
I don't avail myself of the flu jab but it is a personal choice and of course not influenced by the fact that my GP gets paid more per jab the more he/she gives! If they can meet the target of 75% of patients who are 'recommended' to be injected, they get paid about £10 per injection. Fewer numbers = less extra income. All GP practices in Scotland are run as private businesses and therefore must try and earn extra income above what they get paid by the NHS for basic care provision.
Kind regards, Ann