I'm not doing a post-mortem of the LG 2019 season.
Here's to a colourful, action-packed off-season - but the cam needs repositioning and cleaning. MIKE ??? !!! ;-D
03 September!
As KORKY may have retired in despair (I nearly did myself!), here is An Animal's Guide to Britain.
(Originally posted by IAN and reposted by KORKY here with comments )
Kind regards, Ann
Birdies LG DU update.
Believe it or not, I wouldn't have found that large bird if you dear people hadn't tipped me off - I had to narrow down the footage over and over because those frames were skipped over every time!
I'm hoping that KORKY & MIKE will post their bigger snaps, as theirs are usually better than mine - but I've got one if it's needed.
Am unable to find the last time the Sparrowhawk was snapped, either last year or near the beginning of this ???
I did snap one of the many Cresties, its crest was quite well defined:
And you're right, KORKY, a Coal Tit was last, just after a Crestie.
Please don't think I don't know and appreciate how kind you people are to me :-*
Crestie was first in by a long way but not until after daycam. It faffed for one minute and flew off with a stripped peanut:
Blue Tits are not just pretty faces, they can be quite bold :) Just after the BT left a Crestie arrived, but it stayed at the far end of the perch ;)
How come this Robin, on the perch for only 3 seconds but glared off by the Great Tit, didn't escape me when the Sparrowhawk, looming there for ? minutes, did? :-/
I snapped this Great Tit because it looked so pale but it doesn't now :-/
Quite late in the afternoon the birdies were still milling around, can this give the right impression?
Having shared the perch with a couple of Coal Tits, the Crestie was last out when it snook back and took a peanut to the rope perch:
Feeder stream went down just before 7 in the evening - NEW LINK