Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 August 2019

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  • Happy Birthday LINDA. Er . . . is that you? I don't recognise you LOL!

  • LINDY - happy birthday for tomorrow - enjoy the lunch!
    By now, you will know if the hair colour is any better... how annoying that things have changed so much.

    ROSY - yes, we have had the Marmite conversation more than once, I think! I toasted a muffin last evening, spread it with butter and Marmite. Lovely!

    OG - good to read that things are not too bad at home. Thinking of you.

    PAT - I bet that there were loads of spiders in Anderson shelters!

    Dull weather here - rain last night and this morning but things are getting a bit lighter now. I went downstairs to make coffee at 0630 and the hall was dark -

    My Welsh friend sets sail today - a six night cruise leaving Southampton and going across the Channel to Bruges and Amsterdam. She has never cruised before and she and her friend thought that it would be a good introduction. They are both widows and spend quite a bit of time together.
  • Thanks for the birthday wishes. :-)

    Well.... my hair is at least one shade lighter, so I'll just have to wash it again tomorrow!! At the moment, I worryingly resemble my brother, who is a very large man, with brown hair and a grey beard!

    Must go, my OH is outside with the pruners, and I daren't let him loose without supervision.
  • Happy birthday for tomorrow, Lindy.

    I read your post quickly and got a bit worried. A grey beard?!
  • That's why I was worried, Rosy! ;-) LOL!! (I do have to prune my face occasionally, but at least its blonde fluff!)

    My OH has chopped vast amounts off the apple tree, again. He did major surgery on it this time last year, but it tried to grow itself back again. Whilst he was doing that, I attacked the ironing, and neither of us noticed that Bonnie had been busily digging the biggest hole in our lawn, ever.  The trouble with this is that although its easily filled in, she then finds it nice & soft to come back to, to dig again, later <sigh> 

    I also rang sis in law for a supportive chat. She is very level headed normally but is low just now. Thankfully she is booked to go for a nice day out on a boat trip on the canal, on Sunday. 

    Hoping that things are alright at OGs.

  • Couldn't believe my eyes this morning, first time we've had a little visitor like this in all the years I've lived here.   Put a little catfood out and seemed to like it.   Last one is of it disappearing into the bushes.

  • Going to catch up with news later, just thought I'd put the above on first.
  • Aw, he's cute, Lynette. Are you going to give him a name if he keeps appearing?

    We used to have a regular visitor, ten years ago: I could tell, from the little round presents he left on the path. Then he stopped appearing, and when we got Bonnie 4 years ago, we put strong fences all around the garden so its harder now for small mammals to get in. :-(
  • Lynette:  How on earth did you get those photos so big?    (Love hedgehogs!)  :-)

    Lindybird:  Grow a beard and you could get a job in a circus.  :-)

    I've been frothing at the mouth a bit today.  Large trucks and shredders arrived at the house across the way (owned by the wretched landlord) and started pruning bits off a large Chinese Elm on the property.  They were apparently hired by the utility company to keep trees away from power lines to avoid possible risk of downed lines and potential fires during high winds.  So they pruned and pruned - and pruned some more and pretty soon it was obvious they weren't stopping.  The supervisor showed up and I asked him why they were taking down the entire tree. He said they'd contacted the owner of the house (who doesn't live in this neighborhood) to tell him they'd be pruning it back from the power lines. He apparently told them to take the whole tree out, that it was cheaper than having to prune it every year.  What a load of rubbish!  The idiot has pruned it just once (on the city's orders) since we' moved here in 2005 and that was last year when the previous tenants reported him to the city for all kinds of issues.   So now there's a gaping big hole where this lovely tree (well it would've been had anyone taken care of it) used to be.  Grrrrr.

    It's Labor Day weekend here; the last unofficial weekend of summer, which is still going strong.  Schools are back or about to go back into session, etc...

    Take care all.

  • Lindy - may well give her/him a name if keeps visiting but as I said, it is the first one we've ever had in the garden.
    See they are mentioning it is your birthday tomorrow - HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too. You share it with my mum's who would have been a 100 if she'd lived on. Enjoy your day.

    Annette - Zoomed in on my ord. camera otherwise shots would have been a small brown object in the middle of the lawn. Also managed to get close up to her - well, she looked like a her.
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