DAILY UPDATES - Loch Garten nest - August to cam shut-down 2019

The season continues almost as it started - devoid of ospreys, but now we are even devoid of an empty nest.  Should we feel sorry for ourselves we should think of the VC staff and volunteers, whose cam connection was taken down by lightning.

Here's hoping there will be good news today.



In memoriam:

  • Will miss this thread, many thanks Scylla for all your valiant efforts in the face of much adversity to keep us informed of happenings although few & far between but that makes the task even harder!
    Fingers crossed for 'normal' next season!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • MC, Wendy and all.

    Feeder cam now live in place of nestcam.

  • Thanks Mike, that will have to suffice until next Osprey season ... must admit I do like this cam, always something going on!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks for the alert Mike. Here's a wee great tit. No doubt the cresties will be as easy to snap as ever this season!

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • WendyBartter said:
    many thanks Scylla for all your valiant efforts in the face of much adversity to keep us informed of happenings although few & far between but that makes the task even harder!
    Fingers crossed for 'normal' next season!

    I'd echo your sentiments Wendy. Scylla has done a fantastic job, reminding us that this is where the osprey revival in Scotland all started, and continued over the years, thanks to the dedication of so many staff even if it's been a difficult year. 

  • Always a sad day this when the camera switches off the nest. We have had a very sad season here at LG, but will forever have long lasting, happy and fond memories of all the Osprey's, with us each having our favourites. Fingers crossed that next year we will have a new pair on the nest and we can watch it all unfold, with all the equipment in good working order, for all of the season!!!

    Scylla, your dedication to this thread has been outstanding, what would we do without you. Thank you so much.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I'm not sure if this is the best thread to repost this, from Ian, but I'm putting it here anyway. Others may care to view this historic footage of some old favourites, if that's who they are.

    (Ian's post) 'I've just watched a programme on BBC 2 (aired at 09.00 this morning) via the BBC i-player called An Animal's Guide to Britain. It was presented by Chris Packham and must have been shown before (if my understanding of roman numerals is correct it was made in 2011). The first 15 minutes of the programme was about osprey and featured Loch Garten, the Rothiemurchus fish farm and Poole Harbour, just as the relocation project to it was in its infancy. Ian'

    Ian - I've just watched the osprey clip. Fascinating!! I had no idea the Poole Harbour relocation went back so far. Given the programme was shown in April 2011 I assume it was made in 2010 and so the ospreys featured at Rothiemurcus/LG might include EJ/Odin (sob) (resident pair at LG then), plus one of their offspring (not tagged or named in 2010). The clip also includes a tagged bird with a red ring on its right leg - Red 8T? I've taken the liberty of re-posting the link on the LG thread. I'm delighted to have seen this footage thanks!!

  • Mmmmm. Red 8T’s red tag is on his left leg. Will ponder in the morning

    Some shots have an osprey with a red ring on the left leg, others on the right!

  • Aaaaargh. Now I’ll have to repost the repost.