LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - AUGUST 2019

Link to July 2019 thread 

The 2 chicks were ringed on 4 July and assessed as female. They were given ring numbers JJ0 and JJ2, and later named by popular vote as Mallie and Rannoch. Both weighed 1.49kg on ringing but will weigh a lot more now after a further month's-worth of protein-packed-piscine-parenting.  The WT subsequently said they thought Mallie may be male. S/he fledged on 20 July and Rannoch on 27 July.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • Knowing syllas love for other visitors...she might like to check out at about 07-37 for this little sole.

  • Two headed osprey

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  • Rannoch helping out with a little housework  Had a brief rest and as she got up she stumbled.......gone back to HW duties

    And she has flown

    WT loch Arkaig



    Mallie came back for the fishtail, he spent over 10 minutes on it and gave up:

    08:06, Aila dispatched it, watched by Rannoch:


    (EDIT - This should have said "A variation on KORKY's two-headed osprey")

    Mallie was gaping, not shouting:

    Next FISH - somewhat marmelised, I could see that Louis's crop was nice 'n plump:

    Mallie ate some and flew off with it :)  Rannoch waited a while and flew off despondently (I made up the emotion):

    Rannoch returned and waited, had a sit-down and carted this stick all the way across the nest before flying off:

    She was back an hour later but disappeared in a buffer - it was only a short one so she wouldn't have got a fish.

    In again @ 14:20, waited 50 minutes:

    Back again flouncing frustratedly for a couple of minutes:

    At last!  There's a flounder being grabbed by Rannoch under here:

    It's a toughie but Rannoch has managed to finish it:

    Here goes the tailend:

    That was hard work!

    Little bird visits today.

    As spotted by TRYING - I seem to remember this one from LG but can't remember what it is, apart from an LBJ ;)

    EDIT - I sent it off to CIRRUS and she reminded me that it's a Willow Warbler.  Thank you, Cirrus :-*

    Great Tit !!!  (Gives oneself pat on back, seein' as one hasn't seen one for some time and one has a very bad memory.)

  • Got fed up waiting and left a few seconds later:

    They were both yakking but I couldn't synchronise their beaks:

    She never flew up there, they both flew off:

    Rannoch returned @ 19:47:

    Mallie flew @ 21:37 and Rannoch about a minute later... gone to bed on empty stomachs?

    No further appearances.

  • 05-31am - Beautiful large whole fish delivered ... JJ0, as per normal it seems, being the initial winner of the breakfast grab.

  • I think Rannochis shouting at Mailie to hurry up
  • Good morning ladies. Both eating at the moment. Looks like Rannoch has a tail end.
  • Rannoch now has the latest fish to herself and is tucking in with gusto.
    Scroll back shows that there was a massive tussle for it about 45 mins ago but Mallie held on to it. However 25 minutes ago Rannoch took possession.

  • Mike B said:
    Rannoch now has the latest fish to herself and is tucking in with gusto.

    Here's that fish, with the side order of gusto.

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig