Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful and blissfully cool week!

  • DIBNLIB - so glad you enjoyed your lovely Danube Cruise!

    HEATHER - nice for you to share the cat-sitting with other Daughter - hope youngest family are having a great time!

    LINDA - a harrowing experience for your OH, but I think later he will be glad he saw her just the once. I saw on news just now that parts of Cheshire have been flooded - I don't think it includes your part, but do take care if it continues tomorrow.

    Weather here still very mixed. Tomorrow should be better - we are out for lunch for our anniversary - with J too of course. He went out by bus for most of today, while we had our hairdresser here.

    Quite a lot of contact with family yesterday and today - Dau#1 phoned yesterday (may have said that before) and anniversary card arrived today, GDau#2 sent letter, Dau#2 wrote to J - of course they are all concerned about his lack of biopsy result!
  • We heard about the flooding, but thankfully it was elsewhere. We did have several very heavy showers which were very ferocious and sudden. We won't need to water the garden, but I did put some feed on the sweet peas!

    At first, my OH said he wanted to remember his cousin as she had been when well, but his sisters and some other cousins had been visiting, and this sister does not have a car at the moment so needed a lift. He took her there, and decided it would be churlish to wait outside. He's glad he did go, in the end.

    I hope you both enjoy your anniversary, OG and EE!

    Dibnlib, I see what you mean, you would get the chance to see more on your unexpected coach trip than if you had glided through, whilst asleep!
  • Happy Anniversary OG and EE. I hope you enjoy tomorrow.
  • DIANE: Thanks for that. . I ended up watching the post-debate coverage online - those guys were up late. And of course Elizabeth simply decided to stay in that seat and add another 20 cents. Did you see the segment with the so-called focus group afterward? I wish they wouldn't go on about "who won?" - it's an evolving process with many more months ahead. I'm going to record tonight's instead of missing yoga and hope our TV cable serve doesn't crash again. They didn't get it back up until 10:30 - three hours down.

    Hallo to all. Have to toddle off to Costco with OH - he's getting his new hearing aid adjusted and wants me to hear all about it. Such an exciting life!
  • Hi all, just read through quickly and notice that Linda's OH has had minor surgery. Do hope everything is coming along OK. Hopefully the stitches will come out for him. Often they say if its sore its the stitches pulling the skin together. Anyway hope all goes well at clinic.

    OG and EE notice that an anniversary is coming up - have a great day and enjoy it.

    Thanks for your news. Days here are mixed, some wet, some dry with little sunshine, in other words normal summer weather.
  • Oh, goodness: I thought I'd already posted today. Sunshiney intervals here, with showers forecast for later.

    Thanks for your good wishes for my OH, Lynette. I think he was expecting it to be less painful than it turned out to be (he had a suspect mole removed, plus some of the surrounding skin). He's off playing golf again this morning, as it takes a lot to keep him away!

    Note to self: D. Trump has been analysed for his over use of exclamation marks..... maybe I should ration myself....
  • LINDA - I noticed the piece about exclamation marks, and thought if it makes me like Trump I shall have to stop doing it. Glad you escaped flooding, but it sounds as if you had a lot of rain - ours was mostly light rain and the air was very pleasant last night when I went onto the deck for a breather before bed. Okay here today - some white cloud but mostly sunshine.

    ANNETTE - hope OH is happy with the new hearing aids - and that they work for good communications.

    LYNETTE - 51 years now but maybe its time to stop counting. Been thinking how life, the world and the universe have changed in that time.

    Thanks for various good wishes. Looking forward to lunch - voted for lunchtime as I can fit more in than later in the day.
  • Hope you're even now enjoying your celebratory lunch, OG & EE. I forgot to say Happy Anniversary when I finally got myself on here today: my excuse being that I'd had rather a bad night, coughing and wheezing which sometimes happens if its hayfever time but also rather wet. I'm fine now.

    Off to visit my late Friends OH, who says he has some bits and bobs for me. We compared notes, on the phone, and he also got wet through at the Tatton Show. It was sunny the following 2 days, grr.
  • ANNETTE - amazing that Costco have a hearing aid department -
    OG and EE - happy anniversary and waiting to hear how much you managed to fit in!

    Enjoyed the day in Elgin, lunch and shopping as per usual.
    I'm returning on Saturday and staying overnight as Amy is going to spend the weekend in Edinburgh with her Dad.
    Callum has asked if he can have dinner here tonight - it will be something and chips as I didn't know he was coming :-)
    Dental check up for me this morning. All OK but as usual, have to see the hygienist.
    DIBNLIB - sounds as if you had a great time!
  • Happy Anniversary to OG and EE.

    I was going to insert exclamation marks after the above, but apparently I need to rethink that. LOL

    Annette: I hope your cable stayed on.

    Lindy: I hope your OH will be free of pain soon.

    Hi, all.