Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful and blissfully cool week!

  • OG I can understands frustrations .. 17 years ago my needle biopsy came back there and then but times have changed..
    My son in sin had just had his “ Andy Murray” hip op.
    Only waited 6 weeks and done privately on the NHS. Doing well as fit beforehand and walked the 4 miles along the river to Monmouth to have his stitches out .
    Daisy post op stitches out today and loving her her freedom after 10 days on her lead everywhere .
  • Its been sunny & bright here. Enjoyed a lakeside walk. Now packing to come home again. "Thundery heavy showers" predicted for tonight, and pretty wet tomorrow.

    We've had a quiet time and not got around much on this visit, as my OH is feeling very sore since his procedure last week to take more skin from his chest. He keeps wincing, and has lots of bruising around the wound. I know it hurts as he's been quiet about it, and he can be very stoic! I expect it will settle down in time.

  • Sorry that your OH is not feeling so good Lindy. A friend's OH had what sounds like a similar procedure. (she fainted when she saw it, but he was stoic!) It did settle down before long.
    I hope you both managed to have some relaxation.
  • Evening all:  Another busy but mostly productive day.  

    Lindybird: Is your OH done with the doc and just healing?

    OG: Hope you can get J's situation with docs, etc. taken care of sooner than later. It's too bad it takes so long to get test results.

    Wendyb: That's really great that your son did so well after his hip op.  My friend had a knee replacement recently - she was in fantastic shape before too - it really does make such a difference. What was Daisy recovering from?

    Our city council is unveiling it's new emergency response plan tomorrow morning and I'm off hear all about it.  We've been getting notices from the power company saying that if the seasonal Santa Ana winds (typically due Sept/Oct) are forecast to reach dangerous levels, they'll be cutting off the power to decrease the wildfire danger.  They're telling us that they're concerned about our safety, but I suspect it's more about avoiding the massive fines they received when they were found responsible for all those terrible fires last year, including the one that destroyed the town of Paradise.  

    Haven't done anything other than toss water on the potted plants this week...Really should get organized!

    Take care all.  Have a good Tuesday.

  • Lots of sunshine and one short dribble so far - now cloudy. OH is busy ironing. J is going out for a hair cut.

    Thanks, WENDY. Isn't your Daughter's partner rather young for a hip-op - I wish him well. Good to know of Daisy's text book recovery - hope she won't develop another cyst.

    LINDA - wishing you a safe and speedy journey home. Sorry your OH is still in pain at his op site.

    ANNETTE - power outages to prevent the fires - I suppose it makes some sense, but that would mean no air-con and refrigeration - not good! I wouldn't worry about getting organised - that's often when something happens to disorganise all your good work!
  • OG he is nearly 58 slightly older than eldest...
    They are so pleased they have moved out of Bath and living about 4 miles from Monmouth. The village green and river opposite their house with a pup just over the bridge. Close to his now grown up children who live in the F of D. Registered with a doctor last week and delighted to find out they get free prescriptions.
    Yes fingers no new cysts but with 3 in 18 months I wouldn’t take bets on it.
    Hot and humid here.....
  • Wendyb - Trying to imagine the pup over the bridge - lovely picture! Sounds as though they are living in an idyllic place - I'm sure you will want to visit often.

    Rain most of the day here - miserable - and very windy. So I am stuck with the computer on my lap and doing far too much research (ie fiddling!). After a couple of very hectic weeks it's good to just sit … but hopefully the weather will improve tomorrow and I can be active again.
  • Pat O I suppose that would be a rainbow bridge for a pup:-(
    Youngest has also moved in the last 3 weeks. She is flying up end of September and we will drive back to hers together and I will drive home via eldest .
  • Couldn't get on here this morning, before we left: stupid Site!

    We arrived home after a good journey, at lunchtime. If I had driven faster on the last leg, we would have perhaps been involved in an accident at a junction very near to our home! As it was, we saw the Police car arrive, blue light flashing and sirens on, and then we were caught up in a big queue as the traffic almost came to a standstill. My quick thinking OH said "Turn left here!" so I did, and we went down a tiny lane to a village, from there more winding lanes and then a roundabout way to approach our town from a different direction. Absolutely no traffic appearing from the main road we had left earlier, so goodness knows how long we would have been stuck.

    Annette: My OH is OK, just healing up, and has to attend the Docs surgery for the nurse to remove his stitches on Friday. We are not sure if she will, as it still looks sore, but I am applying antiseptic cream and a new dressing every other day and he is trying to keep it dry, meanwhile.