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  • Thought I would go up to the loch for an evening view today as I may miss them fledge as I am going down south to see the welsh ospreys for a few days. Beautiful evening with a good breeze to exercise the wings. Two feeds during stay in the hide 1745 and 1900. The fish didn't look too big and were soon eaten. Osprey on Blairgowrie GC (Rosemount) 16th hovering above the lochan and a male fishing on the R Tay just outside Meikleour both within 10 miles of Loch of the Lowes.
    The crested grebes below the hide were performing well one of them regularly diving and carrying fish in its beak to feed the chick backpacking on the mother. It danced around the other grebe as if trying to entice the young off the back into the water but gave up and fed it on its mothers back. did this with several fish not sure if that is a characteristic of grebes.
  • What a lovely report of your visit this evening, Keith, thank you (pleased that my timings of Laddie's fish deliveries to the nest were almost spot on! lol)

    Have a really good time in Wales, safe journey :)
  • Sandra it is good coming home and seeing your report. I just noted the times roughly from my watch so I could catch up the events hoping someone would post them so Thank You. From the hide it is difficult to know who grabbed the fish especially the 1900 feed. Just know one grabbed it and took charge of it so good to see an account.
    After hours they leave the TV monitor in the hide just secure away the scopes so you can switch it on but still difficult to see the rings. I just take my own scope and switch on the monitor if it is off and just switch off the monitor if you leave and no one else is evening viewing.
    Quite a few deer came and drank below the nest and the beavers just came out as I left.
    Probably have a look up the next few evenings as they will be flying when I get back from Wales.
  • You're welcome, Keith :)  Thanks also for the information about the hide set up. Lowes looks to be an idyllic place to spend a good few hours watching all the wildlife!

    22:19 Supper from Laddie delivered to the nest


    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • Thank you KEITH Lovely to hear of the other animals besides the ospreys
    How lovely to be able to "pop down" Hope you enjoy your time in Wales I seem to have missed your posts this year
    One chick having a good strong flap around the nest and some small hops
  • 7:51 Laddie brought in a fish. Lassie flew in from the left to take charge

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 15:43 Fish from Laddie

    Lassie fed the chicks briefly

    PT4 took it, PT5 looking for a steal


    PT5 successful

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • Fish delivered by Laddie 15.45.

    Lassie sees Laddie and returns to the nest.

    Laddie arrives with the fish

    Lassie starts to eat some

    PT4 claims the fish

  • 17:48 Laddie delivers another fish

    Lassie feeding PT4

    17:57 PT5's turn

    18:01 PT4 back for more

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 22:30 Laddie was sitting on the nest with a fish. Lassie flew in to relieve him of it and fed the chicks

    Laddie with wing spread as Lassie takes the fish

    Copyright SWT/LotL

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