Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 June 2019


I hope everyone has a nice week. 

Thinking of you, dibnlib. Several people left messages to you on the end of last week's thread HERE

  • Well, I am here now! I seem to be actually doing very little, as I keep falling asleep at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places! I did phone the Rheumatology Specialist Nurse today and tell her I still had no date to replace the appointment they cancelled last month. She has given me an appointment for one of the doctors next week! I think she must hold a few dates which she is empowered to allocate according to need, rather than all going through the appointments service! She even asked which of them I would prefer to see!

    Linda - I hope your OH was okay today after the sedative yesterday, and that all awaited results will bring good news. Enjoy the weekend away!

    Lovely day here today, but weekend forecast is rather awful!
  • My OH is alright, thanks OG. He was just finishing mowing the lawn when I got home from shopping, and I had to prevail upon him to rest for a bit after lunch. Then he took the dog on a long walk, then went to check on the allotment.
    He's now gone out for a drink at his bowling club. A full day for someone supposed to take it easy!

    I checked my emails because I was too busy to look yesterday -- I had 98! One was from our Eldest who has just returned from The Canaries where they had good weather, and he attached some pics of Amber enjoying herself.

    Here is a pic of our peonies which are spectacular this year:

  • Complaints from OH as he ventured out to fetch paper on front lawn. No wonder. Brrr. It was 2.5 C. No rain predicted until Sunday when “possible evening shower”.

    Safe journey LINDA. I would choose something quick from freezer like pasties that I could heat before or after trip.

  • No idea it could get that cold, AQ!! You're quite right, I went to get some pasties, but I came home with a chicken & ham pie which I can just fling into a hot oven and add a few frozen peas.

    Must get some sleep, tomorrow could be a long day.
  • Evening all: Good day here; will catch up tomorrow.
  • Good Morning from me. Dry here, but not for long, apparently, as rain is forecast today and in Wales tomorrow. Never mind, we'll still enjoy having a break.

    I'm off to buy eggs and cheese!
  • Have a lovely weekend, LINDY !
    OG - the mind boggles, I'm imagining you falling asleep on the loo....
    Glad you've got an appointment x
    AQ - you certainly need rain plus a little less cold weather. It is 12 degrees here, 8am. Not too bad and we are supposed to be getting a good day ( anything other than rain is good) today but back to the usual at the weekend.
  • Morning all: Had a good day out yesterday - had a wonderful time browsing the big Lowe's hardware store in Ventura; Got nice pair of Ecco sandals for $25(!!) plus a pair of New Balance shoes (at least they've stopped making every pair of gym shoes in psychedelic colors thank heaven). Traffic good and home in time to shout at the news.

    AQ: Really not great that you've had no rain so far. I know the feeling of watching the sky and wondering/hoping (worrying too).

    Lindybird: Hope today isn't too tiring.

    Take care all.
  • What a bargain, ANNETTE! Ecco is such a good make, even more thrilling!
    I've been pottering in the garden also sprayed moss killing stuff but ran out of enthusiasm when thinking about pressure washing.
    Youngest family are arriving tomorrow for a late lunch, I'm looking forward to seeing them.
    Callum and his girlfriend are enjoying a week in Bulgaria - his first visit abroad. Apparently the sun is shining, the food is good.....

    Regards to all
  • We're here safely, after a reasonable journey in grey and wet conditions. Many people on the roads, even though we deliberately didn't leave until 6.30. so as to miss the worst of the weekender traffic.

    Had lots of luggage with us, as we took most of our clothes out of the wardrobes and some cushions home, to make room for the family when our Youngest was here recently. Now I'm tired, after packing it all this morning, and unpacking it all tonight!

    Pleased to hear about your successful shopping trip, Annette. Two pairs!! ;-)