Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 May 2019

HAPPY NEW WEEK! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I’m taking a short break from work to say hello to you all and tell you about my new friend.

Every summer, I seem to have one animal who chooses to stay close to my house and keep me company. Last year, it was the little yearling white-tailed deer. This year, it’s an enormous groundhog! He’s made a burrow underneath the fallen apple tree next to my bedroom window, and he’s been spending his days puttering around my front porch, eating the weeds that I’ve allowed to grow.

He’s a formidable critter. A couple of decades ago, we had a huge groundhog on this land. My Mom named him “Bear,” because he was nearly as large as a bear cub. The current resident groundhog must be Bear’s descendent, because he’s a big fella! He has immense teeth (I think he’s fairly old) and long, thick claws. Despite his scary appearance, he’s been friendly to me. Groundhogs generally avoid people and can be hostile to humans if they feel crowded or cornered, but Bear II makes no effort to leave when I go outdoors. When I talk to him, he tilts his head like a dog and stares at me with interest. LOL He makes me laugh, waddling around the yard.

I didn’t try to photograph him, because I read that mobile phones and other devices emit electromagnetic fields that some animals, including groundhogs, can hear (or feel?). He looks like the one in this photo, though.

Groundhog, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
NPS photo labeled “Public domain” (copyright free)

  • Wish we had a sad face Emoji, Diane. :-(

    Good Morning. Dry here and my OH has gone off to his golf, leaving me with the HW I didn't get done yesterday begging for attention. He managed to get some medication down him for his indigestion, but I fear he will never remember to take it regularly, as in the past he's never been good at getting into a routine with medications. I shall have to keep mentioning it <sigh>

    I sound grumpy but I'm not really! At least I got some things done yesterday, some of which have been hanging around for too long. Hopefully I can do some more today.

    Interesting about the mountain lions, Diane. Did you see some of the latest film of the space walk?
  • LINDA - I have to supervise OH’s medication. And if I didn’t take repeat scripts to chemist, I’m sure he wouldn’t bother. I thought I had finished with children behaviour <sigh>

    Chilly today. Last night down to 4.6 C climbing all the way to 15 by early pm. At least it was sunny for the twins kindy walkathon. Peaceful here today as demolition has finished and there is a pause with Next Door’s renovations.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: Thanks for that link.  I remember when P41 was found dead after the fire - also when P39 was hit crossing a freeway leaving three cubs, at least one of which was also hit by a car. Saw some roadkill on the way home last night, but not sure if it was a dog or a coyote. :-(   Incidentally, there's a widely circulated photo of a mountain lion right outside the patio doors of a house somewhere in Mission Canyon (I think) and some folks who know about these things and the animals' territorial range are saying it's the same one that's been spotted in the city limits.

    AQ: Read a report the other day that claimed unmarried women with no children are the happiest (probably because they don't have to deal with children behavior).  :-)    

    Off for a walk; have a good day all.

  • LINDY Do hope things are sorted out for your OH
  • Thanks, dibnlib. He has two different referrals, so it will take a while for it to all be looked at. Nothing serious, it's to be hoped, one is a skin thing which he's getting looked at next week. He has lots of moles, but I was surprised that the Doc noticed one on his chest which he didn't like the look of.
  • Lindybird: Sign of a good doc! I had a mole on the sole of my foot that the doc was keeping an eye on over the years. She finally decided to biopsy it - nothing there. Men are not good at looking after themselves. Must be something in the genes.....
  • Busy here today and not much sleep last night so anything I say will be absolute rubbish!
    Going away tomorrow evening - will be able to see your posts, I hope! Back late on Sunday.

    Regards to all
  • That's nice, Annette, dinner with grandson. Can she drive then, even if too young too drink. Don't you have different laws over there.
  • He must try and get into a routine, Linda. He will probably begin to reap the benefits. OH has got himself into a routine, taking so many tablets in the morning and then some at night. He is one that feels if he doesn't take his tablets then things might go wrong. Sometimes I wonder if all the medication he is taking is doing any good at all.

    Enjoy your break, HeatherB

    Mostly cloudy and breezy here with some sunshine. Rain stayed away so managed to get the bedding dry.
  • Have a good trip Heather :-)

    Lynette, I hope your OHs appointment might throw some light on why he is tired. There can be so many causes.

    A busy day, broken in half briefly by my falling asleep after lunch. Took down some photo frames from atop a wall cupboard, and was horrified by the thick layer of dust - who had managed to spread it up there???? There must be some nimble dust elves.