LOCH ARKAIG (c)The Woodland Trust - MAY 2019

Serene at this moment ;)

  • Intruder, White DU, left leg so Scottish bird.


  • The intrusion was at 10.50, didn't seem overly aggressive on the part of either Aila or the intruder. Ian
  • I hope I'll catch any "episodes" later, can't do nuffink at the mo.

    Except to say that Aila just got a well-headless FISH ;)
  • Mmmmmm...did Louis have to go chase after Aila.... to say 'Sorry' after his latest arrival bearing a stick.

    I dont think Aila was at all amused  Stuck out tongue

  • Heavens!  I haven't even done last night!  Or last evening even :o :o :o  I'll just do some "highlights", you can see date/time for yourselves if req'd.

    Louis brought in a very long stick and took over for a shortish while:

    It rained on Aila:

    Disturbance - she was up for a good few minutes - I couldn't see any sign of the owl:

    She did have a poop in the end:

    I'm going too fast and may miss brief events, but needs must.

    First flyoff?  Louis flew in and took over.

    Aila's return:

    Louis with clumps and a stick which he put on Aila's back:

    Several ins 'n outs by both birds, Aila bringing smallish sticks and nestorising.

    Then Aila got a brief and undramatic visit from Scottish bird White-DU, as reported by COLIN (thank you for the ID and nationality):

    Oops!  It wasn't the wind, either:

    Did someone mention this?  Aila flew off:

    And almost on her tail as she returned, Louis brought a reasonable fish, at last!

    Something or someone was making Aila very uneasy and there was quite a delay in her taking the fish:

    When Aila came back... I got interrupted by a tech drama and can't remember what I was going to say :-/

    I nearly missed this changeover because they interacted so fast:

    She brought some bark:

    Soon got rained on:

    Another changeover!

    Is this Louis done for the day:

    That's up to 21:50.

    Did she only get one fish (headless, at that) all day?  Please tell me I missed one or more!

  • Unknown said:
    Intruder, White DU, left leg so Scottish bird.

    Well spotted. Do we know anything about White DU? I can't find him on the lists

  • From scroll back about 2,1/2 hours ago Louis brought a half fish for Aila, and I think it is still Louis incubating at the moment, sitting with its back to us to hard to tell. 

    Aila incubating approx 4.30 ish

    Louis arrives with fish

    Louis takes over incubating



  • 12.40, headless fish taken by Aila with no fuss. Ian
  • CATCHUP - here I go, riding roughshod over earlier reports, for which we are very grateful!

    From 21:50 last evening.

    Nothing out of the routine until this - getting to be almost routine!  It was over in seconds.  I looked and listened, no-one detected.

    A flap and a flyabout:

    It was a dry night!

    And another ! is req'd as Louis brings a third of a FISH very very early!

    Aila back from a longish break, followed by a no-hassle changeover:

    Louis with a spindly twiggy stick, that instigated a changeover:

    On Aila's return (with something small afoot) there was a wingy episode involving them both, then changeover:

    Louis with a pretty awful stick - which ended up along the front edge, almost falling off - let's hope it doesn't topple at night and frighten Aila:

    Off went Aila:

    Here return:

    She tried plonking bits on him:

    And standing on his tail with her full weight:

    When that did work she had a think:

    And suddenly Louis voluntarily left:

    Just taking an interest:

    A second FISH-piece:

    Louis takes an interest, too :)

    Aila came back with bark and there was an orderly changeover:

    An invisible signal brought about a changeover:

    Aila was soon back, Louis was shocked to see her flying in :o

    She brought something small and they swapped places:

    Another changeover !!!

    Louis taloned one of the eggs:

    He's still incubating as I sign off @ the 17:15 point :)

  • And Aila just returned but he's not up yet ;)