Continued from April 2019

The season so far:

LM12 (Laddie) arrived back 15 March and LF15 (Lassie) on 23 March.  They are currently incubating 3 eggs laid 4, 7 and 10 April with the first expected to hatch around 11 May.

Link to Webcam\Copyright:  © Scottish Wildlife Trust – Loch of the Lowes

  • Very much so. Lassie settled down fairly quick after the event
  • After a peaceful start to the day, sad to see an intruder now, must be a young one as they can never get up in the morning :-)     

    I hope Laddie can see it off, as soon as you see intruder's its a nerve wracking time.   Oh dear she is up again... screaming , settled back down again. 

  • Ah, sigh. If this intruder is out of an egg hatched at LoTL it's a great pity he can't loaf off to LG which can't be a million mikes away (I say he as it's the males that like their natal nests).
    And if not, why can't he loaf off to LG anyway.
    Those two years in succession for dear Odin with so many intruders and here we are needomg a few ''over the road'.

    I'm glad these chicks are still in the shell though - sparse fishing trips ain't no good for family.

    Hello Mike and Patily and Mary and Scylla - Karen and Mary hope I didn't miss anyone - hi Sandra

  • Thanks for the updates, just quickly looking in to see if, hopefully, peace has been restored here! And I see not :-(

    Lassie continues to incubate, poor soul isn't getting a break, and just now a few screams from her and she was looking up and around. There is someone about.  

  • Lassie was mantling a few minutes ago and has now taken off, leaving the eggs, after something!

    Just gone a minute or so and back on the eggs

    © Scottish Wildlife Trust – Loch of the Lowes

  • Been watching for ages, and not seen a fish delivery, scrolled back when I came home earlier and nothing. I hope she had one this afternoon.

  • Sorry about the unneeded intruder info, MARY :)  Must read more carefully!

    I'll have a look for yesterday's fish, in view of the concern - wish me/them luck ;)

  • Here's what you heard at 06:22 yesterday, MARY, to compensate for my inattention ;-*

  • Looking for a fish yesterday afternoon 05 MAY.

    However, I started early, at about 11:10.

    This was the second intrusion since that time, did MIKE post the legs in the top-left of this bird that I'm showing top-right?  Was it the same intrusion, I mean?

    I haven't seen Laddie during the whole period  (tho there was a 10-minute continuous buffer at one stage) - please confirm this is Lassie, as sometimes her little head-V can look blurred:

    She got up for a stretch and a big flap and some shouting:


    Up for a poop?


    I've been right thru the night to the point where I posted the close-ups above.  EDIT - but it looks as tho I only dreamt I'd posted the close-ups :-/

    Am now going to check the yesterday's early-morning thru to 11:00 to see when Laddie was there.

    NB - I can easily miss things, going so fast thru the footage.

  • 05 MAY 2019

    Laddie calls in:

    Laddie leaves:


    INTRUDER 05:04 (I can't remember what time any other intrusions were reported so am posting what I find)


    Intruder not seen:

    Intruder not seen:

    Lassie flew, shouting - but I had to wait until she returned to hear her calls and wing-flaps!  The sound is now nearly 25 seconds behind.


    This was definitely reported:

    Laddie joins Lassie to defend:

    Almost (?) standing on the eggs:

    She looks more pasionate - is it a female intruder?

    Laddie continues to stand by after the emergency over:

    It looked as tho this was a chase-off:

    Lassie alert!

    That was at the end of a one-hour clip and the start of the next shows her flapping:

    And again.  I don't see the intruder.


    I have now reached the point at which I started the last post.

    According to me !!!

    Lassie had nothing to eat yesterday and Laddie has not been seen since 08:13.

    Let's hope SWT can put us straight.