After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened). Anyhow, there's always another day........
EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift
I've been thru the day up to 16:30, no-one found - but I would have missed any quick on-off, it would have been lost in the jiggles.
Earlier it rained quite heavily:
Then it cleared up and the sun shone thru the clouds quite often :)
That's it. SYAL.
Checking back thru some hours I missed, I see there was a moment when the sun broke thru between the dreary rain and lit up the land, see the strong shadows of the trees:
Much of the evening was very wet:
I bet they are, PATILY :'( Huge sigh here too, and just a couple of days ago I stumbled upon my video of (((Odin))) fetching up the fish that had been dropped down over the side that even EJ couldn't get back.
DAYCAM 05:22
*Eek* My LG laptop just had a Blue Screen Of Death :o
It says it's collecting info and will restart...
EDIT - Back up and running and recording. Am not going to investigate the cause unless it happens again.
scylla said:*Eek* My LG laptop just had a Blue Screen Of Death :o
NO NO NO it is not allowed for you to have this. Illegal, in fact!!
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