Update - Loch Garten Nest from Sunday 21 April 2019

After Friday's excitement seeing Mrs BTO (thanks Karen), not one osprey landed on the nest, although we think we heard one nearby. Super-sleuth-scylla managed to record what we heard. But maybe we were all haliaetus-hallucinating, as Fergus from LG HQ posted to say they'd not seen anything all day, except one osprey flying overhead (although some of us were watching the webcam before the centre opened).  Anyhow, there's always another day........

EDIT; title changed to 'update' as there's not a lot of nest activity at present. We can revert back to daily updates once we have 2 or 3 days of solid action if you get my drift

  • Oh wow, little did I know what treasures would come out of the woodwork when I offered the challenge, and boy I'm glad I did! This is just wonderful history and memories which I and others just love to hear about. Thank you so much to both Henry, and to CRinger for his continued gems. I am going to take my time in reading and re-reading!.

    Sadly our hopes were raised and the DU was started in hope more than expectation, but I beg to differ Korky, sorry! I did say that in this quiet period. I thought this might be forgiven to post on here. If it is thought inappropriate, perhaps the Osprey Chat thread might be better? Meanwhile keep it coming, please.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Yes, it was OSPREY CHAT that we suggested osprey chat ;) should go in - however, in view of our suffering, I think the present reminiscences and insights are fine right here ;)


    NIGHTCAM 21:14

    A couple of times today I've replayed footage only to find that what I thought I'd heard or seen was a result of wishful thinking :(

  • Morning All

    Henry - thanks for telling us about 2005 and in such detail, I could actually imagine myself there.  

    I never knew Henry for I only started following EJ in 2008, yes the year of Orange VS and "The Wee Yin".

    It was also the first time I visited LG and had a lovely time meeting David Gascoigne who shared with us some history of LG and showed us some footage of previous years.

    One instance  I clearly remember David showing us was EJ dive bombing the female who had tried to claim her nest.

    Henry, CRinger or Les - were any of you there at that time?   I cannot remember the year and with it being many years since I heard the story, I would love to know if you were there and to hear your account of it.  

  • For what it is worth, I too think that here is fine for reminiscences being posted here for it does break the silence and I think it kind of keeps us all together, just as if we were all in the hide blethering, as we scan the skies waiting .........
  • Oh, I've posted here.

    Are we keeping with DUs? Or any thoughts about changing to weekly until more action. Easy enough to change the thread title - just a thought and as usual, I'll go with the flow :-)
  • Good morning all, a good idea Karen about a weekly thread but I’ll go with the flow too.
  • Unknown said:
    we've 'discussed' in the past using this daily update for, well, daily updates and using the Loch Garten Gabfest (I think that was the suggested thread) for fascinating reminiscenses and other osprey related things

    Well, that went down well Grin

     I've changed the title as suggested to weekly. Maybe we were "too 'asty"  in settling for a daily one.

    Meanwhile, nice morning, if nothing happening, yet!

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • Morning all on this lovely Easter Monday. What wonderful accounts from the folks at the forefront. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them, you can really imagine that you are there, with you in the centre. Yes we thought it a good idea to start the DU, but a bit quick maybe! So a weekly update is good until such times as something happens! As Karen has said, this is just what we need, to keep us all together and reading the amazing stories and accounts of the happenings. After all for those not able and who will never be able to get to Loch Garten, and for those who have been privileged to be there and see our lovely birds, this is just what is needed, reading the behind the scenes reports, until a pair arrive, and they will! I await the next episode, duf, duf, duf, duf!!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Good morning! Good thoughts about everything flowing from everyone, I'm carried along with them ;)
  • Karen W said:

    Morning All

    Henry - thanks for telling us about 2005 and in such detail, I could actually imagine myself there.  

    I never knew Henry for I only started following EJ in 2008, yes the year of Orange VS and "The Wee Yin".

    It was also the first time I visited LG and had a lovely time meeting David Gascoigne who shared with us some history of LG and showed us some footage of previous years.

    One instance  I clearly remember David showing us was EJ dive bombing the female who had tried to claim her nest.

    Henry, CRinger or Les - were any of you there at that time?   I cannot remember the year and with it being many years since I heard the story, I would love to know if you were there and to hear your account of it.  

    Hi Karen. I know I was there - I know Les and Henry were there sometime during the season, but unsure exactly when. If you haven't seen it before you might want to look at:


    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.