Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 April 2019


I hope everyone has a joyful and peaceful week! 

  • Just been outside to get my laundry in, and had a sneezing fit for my trouble - the pollen count is very high today, apparently.

    We never stop worrying about our children, do we? Heather. Hope something turns up for your daughter.

    We are sort of packed, and I'm just going to put the (bought) meatballs in the oven. Though I'd come on and finish the holiday pics before we go away again tomorrow.

    Edit:  OG, No, we haven't been to the Salt Museum locally.  It was updated and redone only a few years ago and is bigger now. In fact, I used to know someone who worked there, but I keep saying that I'll find the time to go!  (Everyone else, this is a Salt Mine as some of Cheshire is built on layers of salt, some of which is now used to put on the motorways and roads during Wintertime)

  • Another lot of mixed ones...  Walked past a Marina at a place called Calete de Fuste. Ever fancied a pink boat??!

    But this, in contrast, is a real traditional fishing boat, which has tied up amongst all the glamorous small yachts:  Most of the islanders made a living out of these tiny craft, before the tourism arrived.

    This is part of the lush, well cared for gardens of a big hotel right on the front of this resort.

    A nice looking restaurant which has been built recently, near the Marina. We liked the menu, so may go back to try it sometime!

    In contrast, only around the corner, a traditional shrine which can be found at all of the ports, to keep fishermen safe on the sea: There are often fresh flowers laid on them.

    Two views of the scenery taken from the car on our travels.

    Most people live in single storey houses, painted white.

    The beach we walked along, then sat on, on our last day:  perfect weather!

    Not as many pictures, and not as interesting as usual, this year, as we have been so often!

  • Hello again!  Had a wonderful afternoon in the garden – first time being able to sit out without wearing a fleece and gloves!

    HEATHER – sorry you are having more worries about two of your children.  There must be something better out there for your Daughter, especially now Amy is grown up – what did she do before having her family?   Business for your Son will still hopefully pick up with the tourist season, but sorry he has to run the shop alone, which will so restrict their family life.

    LINDA – I too have had extra sneezing and gritty eyes from the pollen today – the downside of this glorious weather!  It was a long time ago that we went to look at the salt mine sites in Cheshire, but it was very interesting then, so must be good now, with improvements.  Can’t say I really like the pink boat, but love traditional boats of all kinds, and that restaurant looks intriguing.  Thanks for sharing your photos, and have a great weekend in Wales!

  • It is a dilema whether to restore a fine building after such a devastating fire but we have only to look at York Minster which rose from the ashes and the beautifully restored Rose window. Mind you , as has been noted, a lot of the historic artifacts were remarkably saved by the very brave firemen.

    Lindy - loved your holiday photos. Remember when I went to Tenerife with my dau a few years ago now - how arid the land was and also some marvellous shapes in the lava fields from past eruptions.

    Looks as though the Easter weekend is going to be a good one weather wise
  • Beg pardon, Lindy, it was Lanzarote we visited not Tenerife.
  • Huh. My connection just went and lost my post....

    HEATHER: What if Amy goes to college? Would the help from daughter's ex continue? Or are there government funded student aid programs she could apply for? Could/would daughter move to smaller digs if Amy went off to school? Any suggestion (ahem!) that she might temporarily move in with you? Is son's business online at all? None of my business at all so just tell me to go stuff my head in the washing machine! :-)

    LINDYBIRD:: One of AQ's neighbors might like that pink boat (I see it's glass-bottomed, so a tour boat maybe?). Do like the fishing boat - we have a small fleet here that goes out regularly - they're so picturesque. Have a save drive to Wales.

    OG: Can you take an antihistamine?

    Gosh, I'm fully of questions today, better put a sock in it and go take care of some Stuff. Take care all.
  • Annette: I've read that if a female crow is sitting on eggs and can't leave the nest, her mate will dip food in water and bring it to her so she can have the moisture. It's the only way they can carry water. But that article was about our big ol' rural American Crows here. I don't know what species you have and whether that applies. 

    re: black bears
    Two or three black bears have been seen in southern Indiana east of the Hoosier National Forest. Presumably, they entered the Ohio River in Kentucky and swam across to the Indiana forest. The wildlife agencies have been distributing fact sheets about living with bears, though, so I think they suspect that more bears are living unseen in the dense Hoosier National Forest -- which is 203,000 acres without much human population. I don't know how in the world the bears are getting across the vast Ohio River.

  • LINDY: I'm glad Matthew got into the school where his brother studies. I enjoyed all of your photos. The sea is so beautiful. I loved the little squirrel. I hope you have an enjoyable time in Wales.

    OG: Hope you get further details on the Great Border Fence Dispute of your neighbours. LOL

    ANNETTE: I hope karma deals with the wanna-be slumlord. I envy you seeing the Western Bluebird. They are lovely birds.

    TEEJAY: Lovely photos from you!

    AQ: I hope you have a wonderful, QUIET Easter, and stay safe from wildfires!

    HEATHER: I so hope your daughter can find a more lucrative job. Sending her luck. Hope your son's business picks up.

    Lynette: Happy Easter to you.

    Take care, all.
  • Diane: We have plain old American Crows here too. Haven't seen the Bluebird again but haven't spent a lot of time watching.. Came home this morning to find a tree trimming group across the road working on those problem trees. Amazing. I asked them if they were from the City, but no, "the owner hired us." Even more amazing - he actually paid money to have work done on his property. Then OH came home and he was amazed too. It's the talk of the neighborhood. :-)
  • OG – Not a posh neighbourhood, just ordinary. I don’t want to think what some of their mortgages must be, with house, 2 cars, boat, all mod cons. We started with so little. Young people now must have everything, at once.

    I’ve planted the last of my bulbs that sprouted before I could bury them. Now I shall have to add watering to the chores. What? Til Spring? Lovely autumn day, low 20s, heating up to 32 C Saturday and “possible” shower Sunday. Yeah, right. I’ll believe it when we see the rain. Green shoots of spring-flowering bulbs are beginning pop up in nooks & crannies in the garden, expecting normal winter rains.