The arrival of our couple, virtually together, was first snapped @ 19:12
Yikes !!! I thought I must have missed it but it's all there waiting for attention :)))
Thank you, everyone, for the super captures and info :)
I can't believe they arrived together - but they did! ;-D
Three matings altogether, only the first successful, IMHO. They were on the nest nearly 13 minutes, this is cut down to 5 but no significant activity missing - you know how they like to stand and (males) mantle and (females) look a bit nonplussed ;)
The first was the best ;)
He sat here for ages after his second nestcupping:
It's Aila - she's heaving around sticks :)))
Aila's ever so good, putting the big sticks around the edges :-*
EDIT ... sorta ;-)