Certainly making sure......
Copyright Glaslyn
She shook her tail after he flew off, so this must have been a good 'un:
Second attempt at trying to post Doh!! Stick moving and then search for sky dancing?
being attacked?
'Lo there SunnyKate
Mrs G seems to be keeping out of the bitter wind as much as she can
(Couldn't possibly be an egg she's keeping warm)
Duh! Only just checked their netbook and found it frozen on nightcam again :'(
But was in time for a fish
Ooh, I seem to have done a job on this one!
KATE - I shall see if I can hijack LOTL and record that possible skydance/fight from rollback.
Aran flew but he's back now.
Good News ..... y'd, one of the Glaslyn 2014 chicks, Blue 8C was spotted back in the UK.
c - Glaslyn
Here is a link to their FB page telling us more about this fantastic news.
Was there an intruder around and as Scylla says Aran flew but soon back with fish
My fault, went straight to the youtube page instead of the site itself. Now have picture up.
Sorry, haven't trimmed it down
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
But I can't find the right sky-spot, after sitting over several in roll-back. Need another laptop (but where would I put it?!).