Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week and a blissful April!

I hope EJ returns soon. 

  • It was five weeks ago that I had it cut, OG. My hair has always grown well, so going away to the sun seems to make it grow even faster! I was telling my hairdresser what a lot had happened since I saw her last.

    Very cold here, and it began raining as I got home, after popping into the supermarket by the car park. Just waiting for my OH to get back from golfing.
  • LINDA - I have mine cut every five weeks because it grows so fast! It has totally changed in texture in the past few months - gone soft, fine and shiny - and almost straight. after years of enduring untamed curls! Lovely afternoon here - but still chilly.
  • Evening all: Lots of busy stuff (paperwork catch up, etc.) here today.

    OG: Wonder what prompted the change from curly to straight hair. Oddly enough, a chunk of my hair has suddenly decided to go wavy - it's at the back down low and behaves for about one day after washing then starts sticking out. Hairdresser and I decided to just whack it shorter and hide it under the top layer.

    Hope all are well....
  • Good Morning. Sunny again here, after a really cold day yesterday. I felt it, plus am still discombobulated by the hour change, so went to bed cold and tired and grumpy.

    Hoping for a better day. (Edit:  weatherwise, I mean!)  

  • ANNETTE - when I still had dark hair (!) I had a sudden white streak behind my left ear; now my hair is silver, I have a dark streak in almost the same place!

    LINDA - weather similar here - but definitely warmer than yesterday. Sorry you are still adjusting to the time change. We did exceedingly well this time - went to bed just half an hour early Saturday night, and woke up easily Sunday morning and just carried on as normal.

    OH has driven J to his neurology nurse appt in Dumfries this morning and will be calling at the ice cream farm on the way home - it reopened for the season last month - just as the council had the road closed for repairs! It will be good to have real local ice cream again. J will work this afternoon, but Monday's training day has been cancelled - they will aggregate several twilight trainings (after school hours) to make up for it.

    Hoping for a dry gardening weekend!
  • Hello all
    The sun is shining and it is about 7° here at the moment.
    I haven't much news, have just been pottering about the house with the odd trip to the supermarket thrown in. It doesn't help that I've slept even less than usual this week. I don't think it is anything to do with BST, I tend to get up when it is light, except on the longest days, eat when I'm hungry and bed time is when I've finally had enough of endless TV!! It is one of the only good things about living alone.
    My heating boiler has got a mind of its own, once again. Last night it kept coming on even though it shouldn't have. At 1030 I decided to switch the whole system off and just put it on again this morning.
    End of grumbles! Youngest family will visit later today - son in law arrived home from Egypt on Wednesday.

  • Heather I rarely use this thread but could it be that your boiler has a frost stat. If the temperature  goes down it will override the controls to protect the boiler? Just a thought .

  • Ah, yes, MIKE - it does have a frost stat. Thankyou. I hadn't thought of that....
  • If the temperature went down low enough that may well be the answer then. Good luck.
  • Makes sense, Mike! :-)

    It's been cloudy here, and our new window cleaner came just as I was leaving to go out, so I left wondering how much Bonnie would bark at him when he got to the conservatory windows!

    The sun came out just now, after the rain had tried to start but failed. A bit warmer than yesterday but still cold.