Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week and a blissful April!

I hope EJ returns soon. 

  • Hello! -- I've had an enforced absence. When I tried to get online this morning, I found I wasn't connected. Said a few swearywords, then remembered that we'd had a letter from Virgin Media saying that some day in April they were going to cut us off for a few hours whilst they did remedial works. Found the letter during breakfast, and indeed, it said today!

    Have waited all day for us to be reconnected.

    Glad all your toes are in fine fettle now, OG!

    Now & then I think of Pat, winging her way around the world: hope she is enjoying herself, I'm sure its been a wonderful experience.

  • LINDA - relieved to hear from you - sorry about the enforced absence! When you mentioned Pat "winging" her way around the world, I got an image of her as an Albatross! Read on FB today that elder Daughter and her OH have gone to Amsterdam for a few days - presumably for the Tulips. Younger Grandson has been working in Japan, including a weekend break in Tokyo - well-timed with the Cherry Blossom festivals!

    HEATHER - was it today your S-I-L was due back from Egypt? Will he be returning there on the same project?
  • Actually, "winging" doesn't sound right for someone sailing, does it? But I seem to have done everything in a hurry today. When we got back online, I tried this tablet but found I was required to re-submit my password for the router, which put me in a spin. Have managed it, though.

    Just baked some apple & blackberry pasties as we want to use up some of the fruit still in the freezer, before this summer's bounty begins again. I also had some packets of bought puff pastry in the freezer, so used one of those to cut out triangular shapes and brush with milk and sugar. My OH has just eaten one, and pronounced it as good!
  • OG - I'd love to see the Cherry Blossom Festivals, it must be a wonderful sight.

    Just spoke to our Youngest, and we're going to visit them next Saturday. I'll have to get baking again!
  • Nothing much happening down here. Weather mixed and cooler.

    Thanks for all your news. Glad to hear Pat is enjoying her cruise.
  • I had a nanny nap after lunch and now feel like a trip to city tomorrow for some research in library. Season has done a U-turn; 33 C today and again tomorrow. Gimme autumn weather!

  • Good Morning. Sunny here.

    Glad you managed to fit in a nap, AQ. Goodness, you've had some temps this year. You're due a little bit of cooler weather, surely?

    I'm off to get my unruly hair cut, can't wait as it seems to have grown ridiculously.
  • 6 inches of snow here and still falling. I'm going nowhere!
  • Good (Thursday) morning, ALL. Damp earlier - now just had to close blind against the sun! Still cold with low pressure. Cleaner here. J still at home - the cold which developed after the migraine has given him a nasty cough and he is worn out.

    LINDA - send fruit pasties! I too am trying to get last year's bounty used up from the freezer to get it cleaned before this summer starts, although Rhubarb is already finding its way in! Enjoy the visit to Youngest - saying it today as it may escape my mind by tomorrow! Your hair has grown quickly; I remember you had it cut just before you went on holiday!

    LYNETTE - I don't think Pat is actually in contact with anyone, but some folk are following her cruise-ship online! So we hope she is enjoying it!

    AQ - pleased you feel like some research at the library, despite the warmer weather returning!

    FB - snow again? I thought it all stopped yesterday! Take care. Should thaw at the weekend.