Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week and a blissful April!

I hope EJ returns soon. 

  • LINDA - I would agree it is early for Sweet Pea plants if you were going to plant directly outside, but it would be fine to get them and "bring them on" in a greenhouse! Good luck with "helping" with the kitchen - parental tact and patience required there! Pleased you had an easy journey home from Wales.

    ANNETTE - I see T May has suggested a meeting with the Labour leader to concoct a "cunning plan" to get through the current impasse -so long as her deal is a part of it! J's school finishes this weekend - kids finish Friday ( J has a hospital appt Friday morning with neurology nurse, Staff have a training day Monday - then all go back on the Tuesday after Easter Monday - so two weeks off. They have an odd day in May (May Day Monday 6th) which attaches to our trip to Manchester for his scan and oncology appt on Friday 3rd). Finish for Summer on Friday 28th June - the day before his birthday party. He has seemed a lot better this afternoon - has his Wednesday off tomorrow, but hopes to be there on Thursday and on Friday afternoon.

    Sorry that explanation grew so long! Now off to take medicines - how to fit them all in?
  • We were going to "bring them on" in the greenhouse, then plant them into a tub when the frosts have passed, OG. We did that last year and they were more successful than raising from seed.

    Good that J is feeling better.

    My OH fixed the door latch for his sister, and caught up on the gossip, (she had a lovely meal out with her son & wife on Mothers Day, at a new local restaurant) whilst I got laundry on the line in the watery sunshine we have today.

  • Good morning
    Diabolical weather up here, no snow in town but guess that WENDY will have it. A few roads closed, the usual suspects. Heavy rain here, very cold. The warm spell resulted in blossom on fruit trees and buds on one of my climbing roses. So, may suffer now.
  • HEATHER I can confirm that my lawn was rather white when I got up. Now it’s torrential rain and the dogs are hiding. Luckily I won’t be walking them as a friendly dog walker takes them out on a Wednesday come rain or shine :-)
  • Heather – she was our named doctor when we joined the practice. She is now the senior partner, so yes we have faith in her.

    Now the saga continues. I received a letter yesterday with my neurologist appointment. Take a deep breath, it was for 5 August! I rang the surgery to see if anything could be done in the interim. She rang back (after she had picked herself off the floor) and said she would get the secretaries to find an earlier appointment, its now 8 July!. She is going to ring up after she gets the blood tests results and see they give any positive indications.

    By the way the original appointment would have been interesting as we will be in Cornwall!
  • No snow here - just short bursts of light sleety rain, and never above 5 degrees yet today. Male and female Siskin which have been around for a while now seem to have paired up - right now feeding in the Willow tree - joined by the Chaffinch pair. Goldfinches were here earlier. .

    FB - I am sure that, like me, you would put health appointments before holiday, but glad it has moved forward a little! Hope you get useful blood test results soon.

    Surprised LINDA didn't appear here earlier - hope you are okay!

    A quiet day today - just the podiatrist for all three of us this afternoon.
  • Still raining heavily, here.
    I was thinking - when will PAT be home from the cruise? I think it must be about now?
  • Heather: Pat currently in Singapore; ship isn't due back at Tilbury until May 5. She still has India, Middle East, Gibraltar and Portugal to go...... Sorry the plants will suffer now.

    Forestboar: Even July is a ways away... but sounds like your lady doc is on the ball.

    OG: I'm wondering why Mrs. M didn't reach across the aisle to Mr. C earlier.  Not sure about the history/dynamics  but gather some are outraged.  Anyway, every time I've seen him on the TV he's using the word "shambolic" with regard to Brexit.   Politics does indeed make very strange bedfellows.  Meanwhile, Donald Trump's Flying Circus continues....

    I was wondering the other day what had happened to Limpy and Clare..... Has anyone seen them anywhere? And Rosy has been MIA since the upgrade I believe....

    Off to start the day. Hope the cold spell is short-lived there.

  • Podiatrist came and went: no toes carrying bandages this time - J and I had matching ones six weeks ago!
  • ANNETTE - I have obviously lost the plot completely regarding PATs cruise!
    Glad no bandages, OG! Luckily I can still cut my own toenails and don't need any other stuff done. OH used to go to podiatrist in town, though, for hard skin etc. I used to cut his toenails, hated doing it ( don't like the feel of warm feet!).