Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week and a blissful April!

I hope EJ returns soon. 

  • It's been quiet on this thread since this morning!

    It stayed dry for us, and we had our walk this morning followed by another short one this afternoon. Must put a few things away, and pack other things up, so that we can make a sharp exit in the morning. My OH wants to get back to the allotment, and I have stuff to do at home.
  • Good that you had that wee break, LINDY. You needed it x
    ANNETTE - it seems as if your visit was emotionally tiring. Glad that you are home.
    OG - what things do you grow from seed? I'm still struggling with the garden, just don't feel motivated.
    DIANE- I do hope that you are feeling better.
    LYNETTE - what a lovely gift from your children. Something to look forward to x
    FORESTBOAR - you seem to have more confidence in this GP. It must be hard, being a carer for your wife and dealing with your own health issues. Sending best wishes to you x

    We had a good family lunch here, yesterday, ten of us around the table. Far too much food prepared, as usual, but nothing wasted as they all went away with goody bags !
  • It seems you had a lovely Mothers' Day Heather.

    Chilly but sunny - had the washing out again. Mind you it says its going to get colder with a mixture of weather.
  • Lindy: Have a safe and smooth journey home. It was a wise idea to spend a couple of days to relax and heal a bit. Don't try to do too much right now. Let yourself take it easy, so depression won't set in. Get yourself a good book to read or binge watch a TV show.

    I'm glad that Heather, Lynette, OG, and others had a nice Mother's Day. Hello to all.
  • Evening all: Sounds like birthdays and Mothers Day went well for the UK folks.

    HEATHER: Trip wasn't emotionally stressful - just a lot of work (along with sidestepping/soothing some strong personalities with various agendas). The daughter who lost her Mom is a fabulous cook (and a wonderful pastry chef) so she and her bro decided to prepare the food for the 100 or so guests. Her friends formed an assembly line in the kitchen, my friend and I took her aunt (our old friend whose sister it was that died) to a nearby and very friendly(!) Starbucks where we spent the best part of the day sorting through family photos and arranging them in frames.in between multiple trips to the market for various items for the kitchen crew. Neighbors and friends brought chairs, tables and lots of flowers to set up under the Tulip Trees. The weather was gorgeous and you could see lots of snow on the mountains in nearby Sequoia National Park. The house is surrounded by grape vines and stone fruit trees so very bucolic. Her bro and friends organized the drinks, ice chests, BBQ, etc., etc. and did the heavy lifting and with all hands on deck, things were pretty much on schedule by the time the first guests arrived. Lots of people from the local farming community came plus long time friends from all over the state. We did manage to sit down and relax for a few hours until it was time to clean up - oh my, that was fun. No working dishwasher, but lots of willing hands. We went back to say goodbye the next morning and had leftovers before driving home. It's sad - I've been to that house many times - it's a lovely old farmhouse but it needs masses of work. The family hosted many events under those trees so I can imagine what a wrench it will be to let it go - if that's the decision they finally make. The drive home was really pretty, with huge swathes of yellow and orange wildflowers splashed over rolling green hills. Still, I'm glad the weekend is behind us - although there are some really good lemon bars in the fridge that the daughter forced on me on my way out the door. :-)

    Didn't mean to go on so long!
  • A lovely description of the event, Annette. I feel as if I can picture it, in a limited way, of course. How nice that it was a multi hands on, with so many helping to make it special.

    Heather, you sounded to have had a super family time on Sunday: you must be proud of your lovely "clan" who are sticking together.

    Dry here just now after a pouring wet night: we hope to tidy round and throw things in the car, then be home by late lunchtime. Diane, thank you for your thoughts, I know what you mean. I think I'll do a mixture of keeping busy, but stopping to relax in between!

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

  • Very belated birthday wishes OG.

    Just checking in, I'm back, I'm fine, but need to catch up with myself!
  • Sorry I didn’t keep my promise to make replies on Monday, but here I am today – sitting waiting for a phone consultation with my GP – at her request after receiving communication from rheumatologist – I am a bit cross because I didn’t receive the usual copy letter so I don’t have advance info about what he might have said!

    Yesterday was a bit muddled as J stayed home with a migraine – and still here today.  I think it is stress rather than physiological; this term has been a very long one with no half-term break for the staff and he has had a lot going on medically as well.  We two went to M&S for food shopping and I don’t know when I last felt so cold – it is always cold in there because of the amount of chilled food, but I was wearing an extra coat on top of my gilet and was still shivering! Doc has just phoned – two more medications added to my list!  I told her I hadn’t received my copy letter and she said consultant probably didn’t know to do that because he is a locum, so she has made a copy to leave at the front desk with my prescription!

    Weather has changed yet again – rain overnight, but glorious sunshine right now – although to wet underfoot for gardening!  OH will be able to do a few small jobs in the greenhouse.  Expecting frost tonight.

    Will have to be selective with replies or this will become too long, but thanks again to all for the birthday wishes.

    DIANE – the birthday card was wonderful, with the Butterfly and Bee on the Thistle!  Thank you – and for the emailed one too!

    BJANE – lovely to see a post from you too – hope you are getting on okay and that all those remaining heaps of snow have dispersed!

    FORESTBOAR – seems you are encouraged by the different Doctor – hope she can sort you out!

    LINDA – so pleased you were able to have a special meal to celebrate belatedly your OH’s birthday.  It was so wise to take that weekend away and relax together making plans for the year.  Will he be going to help your Son with his planned changes in the house?  Pleased you had it dry for your walks on Monday.  Safe traveling today!

    LYNETTE – nice to have a present you can enjoy later in the year along with your OH!

    HEATHER – the seeds I sowed on Sunday were just some flowers we had left over, but we are more often buying nursery-grown plants these days.  OH will plant a couple of Cucumber seeds, and later a few Courgette seeds, simply because we still have them, but the Tomatoes will be bought when it’s time to set them out in the greenhouse.  He’s beginning to worry as there are  a lot of Geraniums in large pots occupying space at the moment!

    ANNETTE – that sounds a lovely venue for remembrance of your Friend’s Mother – pleased the day went so well.  But also glad you are now safe home – until you next rush off somewhere!

    AQ – good to see you are back and okay!  Take care and rest a bit when you can!

    Must go – OH has gone for milk and my prescription, but has something I need to help with when he gets home!

  • Glad you're OK, AQ - I hope you had an enjoyable time! (& will tell us all about it, later).

    OG: Sorry that J has another migraine. They are horrible. Good to hear that your GP is keeping on top of the meds, you need, even though it might mean you having to take more. I tried to buy some sweet pea plants whilst we were away, but was told "Its too early" even though we had seen them locally last week, but forgot to buy them!

    We had a good journey back, there's not as much on those N. Wales roads when its not summertime with all the day trippers. My OH has gone off to inspect our allotment and to mend a door for his sister....       OG, we are walking a tightrope of trying to be on hand with lots of advice over our Youngest's kitchen plans, but without saying "You must do this" or "You must do that".  We just suggest things when asked.  They had a new stove fitted last week and are very pleased with it. Now everything will be concentrated on which cupboards to fit around the stove and the fridge, for the best use of space.  Its not a huge kitchen, no room for a table to eat, but pleasant with a view of the garden, and an added utility alcove which keeps the laundry out of the way.

    Our son is going to fit the kitchen himself, with encouragement, advice and probably some hands on help from my OH.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: I watched the Brexit debate live yesterday - wonder what on earth they'll do now.

    Lindybird: Hope you had a safe and easy ride home.

    OG: When does J's school get out for the summer? Hope there's a break over Easter. The dairy department (a massive room) at Costco is a place where everyone dashes in and out as fast as possible. I wouldn't be surprised to find some hapless customers who lingered too long frozen solid behind those giant pallets of yogurt. Too many geraniums is a nice problem; I have a gardenia in a pot that has never done well - I had two planted in my Long Beach house that were marvelous - and I think I may have to give up on it. I also have masses of cuttings from some epiphyllums and think I'll put a notice on our neighborhood internet page telling interested folks to come and get them (it's a popular way for local residents to get rid of cuttings, excess fruit, etc.). Hope the new meds make a positive difference.

    AQ: Welcome home! I can't imagine it will be for long.

    Off to sort out the world.