Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 February 2019


I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe week. 


  • Diane:  Thank YOU.  We are having more storms here - an especially bad one in the Northwest that I suspect will be heading your way later this week.   :-(  

    OG: How exciting!   I can imagine how much you enjoyed your outing, especially the yummies at the garden center and the snowdrops.   Hurray!

    AQ: Hope your temps are moderating somewhat...

    Rain last night; rain again tonight and more rain mid-week.  :-)

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • Morning all

    I recall concern that Diane name would not be seen.However.

    Alan B kindly pointed out that the STARTER of thread Name and Date DO SHOW, but as with things on this New Format, you have to look Doh!!

  • Very quiet on here today - they really do need to sort device problems experienced by LINDA and others!

    Thanks for the new week Diane - some sunshine earlier, but clouded over now - disappointing after yesterday.  OG.

  • Hello everyone- good to see that OG is at last getting out and about. I'm sure it will help enormously.
    Also Lindy is recovering from the tooth extraction. Hope our US Friends are safe from the storms and AQ is getting some respite from the heat.

    After my Shetland trip I recovered enough to go and see my son and family in South East London for the weekend. I love them dearly but oh how I hate the journey there. My 3 years in Suffolk have made me into a softie and I am not up for the cut and thrust of London driving any more but needs must and the reward was time with my 1yr 9mths year old Grandson James, who is like the Duracell Bunny and poor old Nanny has trouble keeping up with him. We got out yesterday to a lovely country park nearby and met so many people walking their very happy and well behaved dogs. I returned to Suffolk this afternoon through pouring rain but next week looks sunny and warmish so will get out for some walks.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • Morning all:

    SunnyKate2:  Thanks for that info - I am seeing Diane okay!  :-)

    OG: I suspect device problems are the Unintended Consequences of futzing with formats..

    Harelady: How good to see you!  I forget, did you enjoy the Helly Aa event?  Any point in taking the train to London or is it more trouble than it's worth?  What about National Express (had interesting experience with them, but they did get me to the airport on time)?

    Just checked PatO's whereabouts:  She has left Tahiti and is threading her way past the Cook Islands en route to Tonga, then on to New Zealand.  Sigh.

    Someone is turning the tap on and off here, so moved the feeders under the patio again, but yesterday we got a lot of hits on the sliding doors so I got some Christmas twirly ribbon and hung it in front of the glass in hopes it will deter them.  This morning, came into the living room to see the hawk sitting, plain as day, six feet from the feeders in our potted Plumeria.  Hardly a good disguise for him/her....

    And yes, there is an Awful Lot of White Space on the pages.....

  • Hello all and thanks Diane for starting the week. Hope all is well with you and Annette over there.
    Last night was very wet and the day started with the rain pouring down but by mid-day it had cleared and there was blue sky around. They say we are now under high pressure which means cold nights and hopefully sunshine during the day - we will see.

    Nice to see you Harelady - wow the hawk, how wonderful to see so close. Glad you made the trip, as you say, all worth it to see grandson. Dau and friend off to London next weekend with a busy round of visits .

    Pam O's seems to be having a great time, oh to visit NZ but it is a dream I will hang onto. Thanks for the info, Annette.

    Have a good week, all.
  • DIANE – Thank you for new week’s greetings.

    OG – So glad you can get out and about again. You must sick of the “four walls”.

    HARELADY – Love the image of your Duracell Bunny grandson. Twins get like that when on a sugar high, just one iced cupcake will do it.

    Slight misty rain and cool here this morn. A planned chat & coffee & cake at Murattis has been postponed as Friend has a tummy bug. No excuse now not to do more weeding. <sigh> Query – Why do plants die without water but weeds thrive? My 2 tomato plants have one miniscule tomato still to ripen. A very disappointing season; not only not enough to freeze for winter, but not enough at all and I have been buying them.

  • AQ:  So sorry that it's been such a frustrating season in the garden.  I do hope you guys get some decent rain in the coming season.  We are having a good year, with our immediate area at about 95% of normal rainfall. Of course, we've still got quite a few dry years to make up for.  The average Sierra snowfall is 400" and they've had 321" to date.  

    Hi Lynette!

    Spent hours trolling through my old computer looking for missing photos; found some, but not sure where others have gone...

  • Floods in NW Queensland after 7 years of drought. 1½ years of rain in 11 days. Aerial fodder drops for starving cattle. Massive losses, one station has lost 30,000 cattle. Many losses not yet known, some farmers 50%, 80%, 100% loss. Meanwhile no worthwhile rain in Sth Aussieland.
  • Really seasonal weather today - a healthy not-too-cold frost and brilliant sunshine!  Will shop with OH this afternoon.

    Great-Granddaughter jumping in Sunbeams yesterday on a trip to her local reserve.  From OG